West Coast Shady

Good thing the show hammers home the importance of ridding your life of toxic men, so we can revel in this harmonious happy-place of awesome, sane, not-at-all-self-destructive women. Last week was a Lifetime Channel yak-fest, women above a certain age whining about being invisible” castoffs. You know who else is

You just did it again, Hitler Youth. You could try to be less obvious that you’re an incredible piece of shit, somebody might want to actually discuss the “crimes” with you

Dude, I’m not a fan of this clown or her grungy partner in crime but can we leave out the misgendering?

You couldn’t resist the purposefully misused pronoun, could you? Thankfully for the rest of us your inability to hide how chuffed you are to be a little shitheel bigot paint a great broader picture of how to perceive everything else you say: shit not worth anyones time

Fuck you


She’s an activist now.

I think we’re well past the point where someone can pretend they haven’t seen a thousand discussions about how nobody cares about Avatar.

I know most will knee jerk agree, but his eyes are fucking bothering me. They should have edited his right eye, so it was either less visible or just removed. Would have looked MUCH better.

most Sonic designs of the past decade have been on 4chan for a reason

I think they mean British series in general, rather than one specific show.

It’s not perfect, but I think maybe it’s a V for Vendetta reference? He calls himself the “Ghost of Christmas Past,” but I don’t know. It’s the only British anything I know is definitely maybe sort of an inspiration for Mr. Robot.

What British show helped inspire Mr. Robot? Nothing is mentioned about any British inspirations on Wikipedia. That’s not to say there aren’t any, but they’re usually pretty good at mentioning such inspirations if the creators have talked about them interviews.

The spreadsheet is mine, but it’s based off a much more detailed timeline, link of which is in the Changelog tab. The dude, DIrishB, who was doing the detailed timeline unfortunately died a few months back.

That’s awesome. Did you make that?

Watching every piece of MCU media would take 12 days and 17 hours.

You’re not wrong, so big public revelation time: Having rewatched Infinity War a couple times, I’d probably bump it up to a B-. I do think Endgame is slightly better—there are stretches I’d call a total blast. Both have issues in my book; they just happen to be different ones.

I don’t know if you answer these, but if you do, I get the feeling you sort of see Endgame and Infinity War as both having an equal amount of flaws - why did you give that movie a lower review?

Muslims can capitalize god if they want. The AVC is under no such obligation.

So they are hunting down Palpatine’s horcruxes?

Good point. I’m from east, so I only know greater Vancouver from post-1990.