West Coast Shady

Republicans are just so bad at comedy and memes. Shallow Sacha? Come on. We cornered the market on great nicknames with #MericaMax and #BBQBecky. Now THOSE are funny nicknames.

Trumps habit of doing that shows how much of a toddler he really is. Palin just sounds even more immature trying to copy the toddler, and not being as good at it. “Shallow Sacha” is too much of a tongue twister.

“shallow Sacha boy”

This article is posed as though she either doesn’t care, or she is lying when she says she didn’t know Spacey was a skeeve.

Looks like Keanu is, as we say in Latin, a “dorkus malorkus.”

I finally had an irl conversation with someone who hated Last Jedi, and even though his complaints weren’t racist or sexist, it still boiled down to “This movie wasn’t exactly the movie I had imagined in my head and that makes me angry. Also, Luke is supposed to be the ultimate badass, and he wasn’t for a significant

I thought more “knife storm” but yes, totally. 

After going through all the reviews for The Last Jedi, I agree that pulling the plug is the right thing to do. So toxic.

The author is a geologist, so relative to geological time, 22 is almost 28.

“Almost 28 years after the fact, a Las Vegas TV station is claiming that an arrest is imminent in the 1996"

Man, how much RAM can she handle?


False equivalence.

You give me much needed hope <3

Even as a Tarantino hater I have to agree with that. I may not enjoy Tarantino’s vision but I respect it and recognize him as a skillful filmmaker. He just makes films I hate.

and lens flare.  Don’t forget lens flare.

> nothing Tarantino ever said and did made it look like he is a Star Trek fan

That’s when I knew we were in for a fun time. He’s so mortified, and no-one else even notices (or would give a damn)

What a bunch of revisionist bullshit.”

Lowell’s look and then he slowly starts to untie the sweater...and then what Florian brings him is such a ridiculous shirt OMG.

Thank you for being our reviewer on this LaToya. It increases the value of the review, for me, knowing that you’re a fan of wrestling to begin with. So you come at the series from a different place than the usual television reviewer, and you add a lot of value with your insight.

I’ve never been a huge fan of wrestling