West Coast Shady

I snorted so loud when it was revealed that Bash thought prep day was Preppie Day and not Preparation Day.

I don’t buy that Luke Cage would know the word cosplay. He neither seems an internet guy or a comic-con convention guy.

I don’t even think the nuclear bomb was necessary. They could have just had Koolvoord (or whatever the name of the scientist was) start reading strange energy signatures from the station, a build up of power, and that it was directed towards the ring home. That would have lead Ashford to remembering Holden’s statement

“Zero Stars! I said I wanted to go there as a joke, to stick it to a broad and some Kenyan! Now I’m stuck here for at least four years! The place is a real dump! NO COLLUSION!” ~ President Trump, Yelp review, White House

Damn this review is confusing. In one paragraph you’re saying that you don’t need Bushmaster’s backstory. That his enigmatic villainy is enough. Then in the next paragraph you’re complaining that you’re not getting backstory fast enough.

Disney wil give them use of the IP.

I like the guy’s unfounded optimism. “We’ll get Disney’s attention, then we’ll have a meeting, then they’ll give us permission to use the Star Wars IP.” Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

I wasn’t sure what was going on at first. I thought her eyes were doing some weird thing because of her trauma. Then I realized they were zero gravity tears and thought to myself, “God bless this show for taking seriously such a small detail and bothering to spend some resources to really nail it.” I mean, it would

With that, along with the realistic depiction of internal bleeding and fire in zero g and the effects of sudden deceleration, I had a strong feeling this episode was aimed at pleasing Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Yeah I saw an ep of some space documentary on the science channel & an astronaut’s eyes started tearing up for some reason & he had to find his way back to the airlock because of low oxygen, which was getting increasingly difficult due to the blob of tears in his eyes. It almost killed him.

That was a nice touch with Tilly’s tears, being unable to run down her cheeks, they simply pooled around her eyeballs.

It shows. I couldn’t even be bothered to finish S5, it was so unfunny.

More fun than the ride itself was standing at the bottom, right outside where the raft would come plummeting down at the end in a giant splash. You get even more soaked than being on the ride.

Last time I was on it, I was next to a kid who wasn’t even born when Lost World came out, never mind the original, and I felt old.

It’s pretty fun to ride at night and I’m always a sucker for waterfall rides.

Yeah this is a drop ride. Don’t need it bitten off.

It’s fun, but more like a Disney ride than Universal in that it’s as much about the story or experience than straight-up exciting in its own right. I liked it fine, and it felt good to cool off a bit.

That story is as boring as the ride. You could have spiced it up by telling us she gave you a blowjob.

It was the only water ride at Universal when it was built, right? I mean every theme park needs at least one flume ride, that’s how we got Splash Mountain at Disneyland.

Hiding the card in a copy Slaughterhouse-Five makes total sense. Here’s why: