West Coast Shady

That’s about the point that Spielberg gave up the fight against Lucas’ dumb ideas.

i.e. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

“For the last time George, I’m not putting ‘Rock Around The Clock’ in the Raiders opening sequence... that song didn’t exist yet!” - Spielberg

Lucas is chalk full of bad ideas. Watch the Indiana Jones documentary. If Spielberg wasn’t there to rein in Lucas’ worst instincts, that movie would have been a total shitshow.

But he might need to clean her out of the gutters?

Yeah I’m sure Hawkeye and Antman end up in the sequel. I bet Wasp gets dusted at the end of the next movie(which I guess runs concurrently to IW).

Many Democrats wanted Obama to negotiate with North Korea directly. Now that it’s Trump that has suddenly become a bad thing. This is a Nixon goes to China moment.

He would never have done this... lol. It’s not even a functional hypothetical question; Obama was clear that he wasn’t going to come to the table with Kim until he made measurable and real commitments to denuclearization. He knew that giving Kim a voice and an international platform (not to mention sucking his

if you want to play that game, how would you be reacting if obama did this?

I kind of want Hawkeye to turn into a monster in IW2 because of the dusting of his family. Just have him be like he was in Avengers 1 (an automaton) but driven by rage. Show why he is worthy of being an Avenger (above and beyond all he’s done before).

deflection shields at full, captain!

...Obama wouldn’t

Yes, if Obama was doing exactly what Trump was doing in North Korea, we would be calling him a mercurial idiot who has no plan of action, no plan to verify anything, and wondering why he said our military actions were so provocative we would stop doing them.

That’s horrible. I understand where you’re coming from, but mental illness doesn’t work that way. You can’t blame people like that. Well, I guess you can, but it isn’t fair. I’ve known a lot of people who have killed themselves and I and others have been hurt by it every time. But never did I have such scorn for them.

People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.

You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.

That’s European!

I’m not sure even Peter Jackson remembers that he produced a Tintin movie in 2011.

I think to some superhero books are “too nerdy”, but foreign comics and comics aimed at children (and are thus nostalgic) are alright.

For me, though, it’s all the same. My Tintin, Batman, Thor, Peanuts, and various manga all sit on the same shelf.

Says the guy who helped bring Tintin to screen. Or does Tintin not qualify as a comic book?