West Coast Shady

Sparkle, Dolores!  Sparkle!

Where Roger Ebert’s consciousness has written the scenarios.

This is my happening and it freaks me out!

Seems like a guy who would bravely run into a school to rescue children from an active shooter.

The Valley Beyond the Dollhouse? So neither Nolan nor Ebert but Whedon? It certainly fits with putting other people’s memories and behavior into heads of “hosts.” Damn, now I realize that Season 2 is giving a new meaning to the word “host.”

♫ God bless America... land that I luff... dah dah dah dah, hmm hmm hmm, to the thing with the thing over there. Hmm hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm prairies, hey Melania, is that snow? God bless America... la la la no. ♫

The Valley Beyond the Dolls

Amos benefitted heavily from the side stories in the original. “The Churn” showed us how fundamentally f’d up he is. And it was distilled into a single line when the reporter tried to ferret out his background.

And that is saying a lot! The original Expanse books are so damned rivetting.

You seem pretty triggered by it all, so I’m gonna chalk it up as a win. It’s always funny when some rando gets bent out of shape over nothing in particular.

Feels like you didn’t even read what I wrote. I’m talking about a different web comic artist.

Holy shit, I had no idea that Jeph Jacques did that comic! He and I lived on the same hall in college. He acted in a really lousy zombie movie I made around 1998 (it’s online, but I’m too ashamed of it to link a stranger to it).

Pretty much the only webcomics I follow are SMBC and PvP; the first is a gag strip and mostly funny everyday, and PvP has evolved and gotten so much better because Kurtz is very open to criticism but maintains his control over the strip (evolving Jade’s character, marrying Jade and Brent, Max Powers whole character

I wouldn’t refer to anything in Questionable Content as high drama. There’s very little conflict, and when there is a hint of it, it’s always (ever since the self-inflicted wound) resolved amicably for everyone.

The last time we actually saw conflict that didn’t end well was about when Faye and Angus split. That may

It really is a shame Jeph let himself get tangled up in all that. I still read QC but more out of habit than any kind of genuine interest - he’s a decent artist with a great work ethic, I think he just put too much of his self-worth into the comic’s success and became scared to stand up for himself. The harassment

Jacques’ problems seems to stem entirely from hanging his whole living on the comic and its attached projects, so bending over backwards to satisfy the screaming hordes is to maintain his current lifestyle, to say nothing of his apparent mental health issues probably not making such a public job the best choice of

Used to edit his own Wikipedia page. No idea if he still does, though.

A lot of webcomic artists can’t take criticism. Look at Jeph Jacques, the writer of Questionable Content. That guy stabbed himself in his drawing hand because of some criticism he received on one of his “fat” characters, who was mysteriously not quite so fat the day he decided to put her into a bathing suit. And it
