West Coast Shady

> to go there for his own safety he would refuse

LOL. Trump is a coward. I can totally see someone telling him a barricade had been breached and him immediately asking to be taken to the bunker.

Also, Melatonin and Baron were with him. If it were an inspection, why would his wife and kid need to come?

If Quibi can’t succeed during a pandemic, when half the population is shut-in and looking for things to do, it’s not going to survive once people can start doing things outside their homes again.

I’m not even a fan of May myself, she’s too dour all the time (I prefer Daisy over May by a longshot), but I realize my opinion is probably in a minority.

All of us are still surprised it’s still around, esp. after the low ratings of S5. But we’re glad, and the show has only got better season after season.

The Daisy hate is simply because Skye was such a terrible character in the first couple seasons. The show course corrected her when she became Quake and I feel she’s one of the favourites now. Not at the same level of Coulsen, May or Fitz-Simmons, but the Skye/Daisy hate seems to have really tapered off in the last

Duncan Jones is a big comic book fan, so there’s the possibility he gives shows with smaller budgets like this reduced licensing fees. That is, if he’s in charge of his father’s catalogue. He probably exercises some control over it, along with his step-mom (Iman) and half-sister (Lexi).

It would be nice if you could bold the original programming. Makes it easier to find brand-new stuff that might be interesting to check out.

So, preppers and preppies are two different things?

When they aren’t using the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs” as excuses, it’s to protect children from pedophiles.

Face coverings?

It was just weird. In the first few episodes he even had some of the mannerisms.

I enjoyed the show, but the first couple episodes I kept seeing Tom Cruise in Robbie Amell.

Yes, but that was a deal brokered between Disney and Sony, for maximum profits between the two. If Spidey were to ever appear on Disney+, there would be some sort of profit sharing agreement between the two. I imagine Sony could just make more money putting Spider-Man on Amazon or Netflix and not deal with sharing

The #1 reason I am looking forward to The Mandolorian S2.

I wonder if the Black Widow producers saw an early reel of this episode and decided to incorporate something similar into their movie, i.e., their heroine falling through the skies dodging debris.

> There was lots of great TV before The Wire

> I’ve only ever enjoyed four shows to come out of HBO that was Larry Sanders, From Earth, Curb, and Band Of Brothers

I see they corrected “John Wick” to “Wicker Man”. Phew. I no longer have to rewatch John Wick to figure out what part Cage played.

> new Spider-Man

Considering how costly it will be to get to space, is this going to be a 15 minute movie that will cost me $10 to see, or is this going to be a 2 hour movie that will cost me $80 to see?