West Coast Shady

Cage was in John Wick? Damn, I don’t remember that at all.

Is there a link to this thing, or are we just supposed to imagine it based on the description in the article?

Nevermind. My adblocker blocks inline Instagram.

I don’t want to listen to this. Someone with more time and patience on their hands, tell me the verdicts.

It’s not Fellowes first big project since Downton Abbey. He’s been involved in Belgravia out of the UK.

That’s a damned heavy book that Carrie sent Saul.

As a white guy from Canada, I don’t understand the faux pas here. His girlfriend is not allowed to hug, console, congratulate him on his success? Is it just that the girlfriend is white? If she’d been black, would Momma had come to escort her ass off camera? I don’t understand this story.

Lea the mother would get a brief chuckle. Crispen the father might start wondering if Marty was his kid, and whether Lea the wife had a brief affair with Calvin 17 years prior.

A Parks and Rec Skype/Zoom/Facetime/Duo episode. It’s not going to an episode with them all in the same room. Still, I am looking forward to it. (I wonder how they’ll keep Andy and April separate? I guess they’ll just be in different rooms of the house or something for reasons.)

The commentary is the best part of this stuff. They almost have you believing the marbles have agency.

The Brosnobond era. The first movie was great. The second was decent. The third was okay. The last was a terrible joke.

Each Bond has a total stinker under their belt. For Connery it is Diamonds are Forever. For Moore it’s Moonraker. Dalton’s is License to Kill. Brosnan it’s Die Another Day. Craig’s is either Quantum

Cheddar is still no Li’l Sebastian.

Which, now that I’m thinking about it, it would make me so happy to learn that Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Parks and Rec co-existed in the same universe.

But “Ride of the Valkyries” was such an odd choice for that anemic car chase.

That was an incredibly boring and underwhelming car chase.

Also, the Genre drug was neat in concept, but rather muddled in execution.

Also, not much really happened when everyone was given access to their Incite storylines. I was expecting more people jumping out of windows or self-crashing into things.

If I’m in the mood for a Bitch Casserole, or a Bitch Lasagna, or a Bitch Sandwich, I’ll be sure to tune in.

I was thinking similarly. “Where the fuck did that vendor specific cable come from? Are all CIA officers issued a USB-C, a 9-pin serial, and a flight recorder cable as basic tools of the trade?”

The best Moore Bond is also the one that Moore disliked the most, because it was more brutal and less comical in its portrayal. For Your Eyes Only. Moore greatly protested when he murdered that dude in the car, by kicking it over the edge.

Did Heidi Klum marry Tim Gunn? If not, maybe correct the headline.

Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo is pretty famous, but nowhere near Abbey Road famous.

Exactly. That whole body wiggle while yelling “I think I can beat it, Jerry”, punctuated with fist hammer.

Jerry: “How are you going to beat a deadly disease?”

Kramer: “I haven’t got the details worked out yet, but look at this body, Jerry. Look at it. It’s a specimen. If any body can beat Covid-19, this one can do it.”


> Kramer: I think I can beat it.

100% Kramer.