West Coast Shady

How does a Jere Burns appearance make sense? All I remember of him was that he was a the head of the counseling group for Jesse in Breaking Bad. Is there some backstory (other than his daughter’s death) that says he lived in an adobe compound and/or patrolled the streets of Albuquerque helping out old dudes getting

He’s generated 45 stars.

No, but money affords you the very best and latest treatments. He most definitely did not just get the basic chemo and someone to help him cross your fingers. The newest advances in cancer treatments are not being given to your basic Medicare recipient. If you want the latest advancements, you pay for them, and Trebek

Jobs stopped taking sound medical advice in favour of alternative medicine. He delayed surgery on his tumour for almost year, so that he could treat himself with unproven bullshit.

> only 18 percent of patients diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer survive the first year

I’m sure having millions and millions of dollars helped in that regard.

That was brilliant and not too far off from the actual product.

His show, Inside The Actors Studio, was terrible. It was just an hour of him unabashedly fawning over whoever his guest was that week. Half the time, his guests looked uncomfortable being showered with the endless and needless praise.

Obviously fake. A toilet bowl full of Orbeez isn’t going to cripple an entire neighbourhood. They aren’t Tribble, they don’t reproduce.

The show began with an American turned to the enemy via brainwashing.

The show began with an American turned to the enemy via brainwashing.
I would not be surprised if they were coming full circle and Carrie is the brainwashed agent (of course, she’ll pull out of it by the end.)

He did not become an architect.

As a white dude, this is all super-intriguing and now I want to go to a black cookout.

I didn’t even know there was such a thing as black cookouts. This article is going to make “white people at the black cookout” a more common occurrence. A lot of us are curious motherfuckers.

That’s the pure fantasy of these movies. No muscle-bound action film star feels inferior to Vin Diesel.

Dom missed out on all the chin DNA.

I have a feeling that this was mandated by Netflix. The popularity of the show has very likely petered off, and the show is exceptionally expensive.

Damn it all. I teared up when Jason said he had to leave. I smiled when Tahani decided to become an Architect. I teared up when Chidi said he had to leave. I teared up again when Michael was granted his wish of becoming human. I cried when Eleanor walked through, I cried for all of them, and Janet.

Lucasfilm does have it’s Feige. His name is Dave Filoni. But it sounds like, outside of his animation projects, the politics of that company do their best to steer him clear of the live action side of things. The guy has a pretty clear head about canon and he’s extended it quite well through his animation projects.

Nobody in KISS can sing anymore, so some rando off the streets isn’t going to make the performance worse.

I’ll believe the apolitical era has ended when she actually says something political. The only thing I recall her standing up for recently is gay rights. Laudable, but also extremely safe in today’s political climate.

Damn. Dude’s back on the coke.