West Coast Shady

It’s not a very good song. Period.

Now playing

The Sam Smith version is garbage, but this isn’t much better.

Just what we needed. A Bond song sung in a whispery, baby voice.

> the Golden Globes (a group of 90 journalists)


Sure, but the point is that the increased ratings for a record-breaking run allows Sony to charge more for Jeopardy down the line.

I don’t get Mulaney’s accolades. I also don’t find him to be very funny. He’s like a wooden, surrealist version of Seinfeld.

Four episodes left.

#10. #11. #12. #13.

The Trump thing took me out of the episode. I can’t imagine any Deus-like group would have an idiot like Trump as a member, especially considering that he can’t control what he tweets out to the world.

This was episode #9. We have 4 episodes left. #10. #11. #12. #13.

I kinda liked the first one, for the grand scope of it all, the re-introduction of the original characters, and the clever way they went about creating a new timeline.

I still prefer the original timeline, but I thought it was clever how they effectively rebooted the franchise, even if the reboot was, ultimately, not

The overall movie will be understandable by anyone. There’ll be little easter eggs and tertiary plot points that only the Disney+ viewers will get, but will not impact the overall storyline of the movies.

The MCU has pretty much always been like this. You could watch and enjoy the last two Avengers movies without

Although the show plays the server room as very quiet, in reality server rooms are very loud. So, I kept that in mind regarding the sounds of typing. The guard wouldn’t have been able to hear a quiet keyboard even one row over.

My theory on this supposed spoiler in the first episode. We’re introduced to Snoke, before he became Supreme Leader of the First Order. For whatever reason, hardcore Star Wars fans are obsessed with this guy, perhaps because the movies were never interested in giving him a backstory. So, it would be a smart move (in

My guess is that we see the origins of Supreme Leader Snoke. Maybe, originally, a senator or something. Or a crime boss. But something to do with Snoke, before he eventually became leader of the First Order.

I was never one of those people that gave a shit who he was, or that he was unceremoniously struck down, but

Reznor seems like a rational dude.

So, with Bad Janet revealed. And Good Janet in the Bad Place, who is keeping up the facade of this simulation? I’ve discovered a plot hole!

Maybe DC will hire him to write and produce Lobo.

All this hoopla over this episode being about China and it really didn’t have much at all to do with China. Disappointed.

Yeah, well on Kara’s Earth, they hand out Pulitzer’s like candy. Reporters from TMZ get them.