West Coast Lass

Kristina picking the fight in the hospital drove me nuts. She is such a selfish baby. If it isn't her game, and her rules, she takes her ball and goes home. And if it's someone else's ball, she pops it.

Do people get walked down the aisle for second marriages? Isn't that symbolic of passing the bride from her childhood home to her adult one? Is she still Zeek's to give?
I'm seriously asking here. On a symbolic level, it seems odd to be given away repeatedly.

I liked that Adam just got up and walked away from Kristina in that scene. Politely, but he still walked away.

I thought Adam explained that well. Crosby threw him a lifeline with the Luncheonette when Adam lost his job and direction, and now it's Adam's chance to return the favour. He's not doing it to please Crosby, but because he's a stand-up guy.

They crammed a lot into this episode! I liked the storylines, but much of the dialogue sounded like a summary of an earlier conversation we didn't get to hear. Also, Sara was bouncing around like a crazy person. She told Hank she was borrowing a hammer from the studio to help Amber build the crib, then popped up in

Except that she was on deadline for her first big break as a professional photographer - the surfboard project - and she would have had to ask for an extension, or hand it in late if she had gone to Africa. In that case, the trip would have been flaking off, although I never understood why she broke up with him over

I don't see Joel's lack of complaining as weak. He understood their respectice roles when Julia was at work and he was home, and he RESPECTED them. When things started to go sideways, he also recognized the need to tread lightly, because Julia doesn't take criticism well. If he had complained, they would probably

I never liked the "I want you to fight for me" line either. It smacks of Braverman entitlement. And her assertion that Joel was "weak" for walking out showed a bit of delusion. "Pissed off" might be a better descriptor.

The show IS about parenthood.

As a side note, did Camille and Zeek always have that couch in the shot above? Because it doesn't really suit Millie's style at all. I see her more with a patterned fabric couch with lots of cushions and throws, not a relatively unadorned brown leather one. She has always been all about the textiles.

Sorry. It was probably a good HIMYM joke. That's just one show I never watched.


Breaking up Mr. Cyr's home just before his new baby arrives? I hope not!

"b) Adam being plain useless."

Yes, Max, you were harassing Dylan.

Leading to Kristina starting her own prison…

I found Amber's scenes with Crosby a bit weird this week. She was a bit too…passionate around him.

Amber irritated me in this episode. She was so pushy and in everyone's face about following their dreams, largely because they were her dreams too. "No Crosby, don't think about your family's security. Stay with the Luncheonette forever, even to the bitter end." "Drew, Bro, don't worry about getting a job in the

Dylan actually handled things pretty well for a 15-year-old (?) who was effectively being stalked by an entitled brat engaged in outbursts of frustration and violence.

The lack of classrooms could well be a new, experimental approach to education, like Mr. Knight taking away Max's chair. The lack of staff troubles me. Given that it's a charter school for students with behavioural challenges, I would expect a higher staff to student ratio, not a lower one.