West Coast Lass

I've seen better pharmacists than you have. They've always been really compassionate and engaged. When my mother was filling a prescription, and upset about something, the pharmacist spoke to her for several minutes about her concerns, and about what was going on in her life, and suggested options for support. I've

I loved The Martian. Not for her, but she was in it, and it was a good film.

Her father was a pharmacist! In a town where several students are on meds for depression, schizophrenia, etc. Sorry, this just occurred to me. Wouldn't a pharmacist be better at recognising the signs that his daughter might need medical help? Therapy? Wouldn't a family containing a medical professional feel more

Did anyone else dislike Hannah's mother? I get that she was grieving, but her behaviour and expectations around the lawsuit were so….It was like she was in denial about her role and responsibility as Hannah's mother. Sure, the school let Hannah down, but her mother didn't seem to notice that anything was amiss

I agree about the stop sign and the party. I was also really irritated by her reaction to Zach talking to her in the cafeteria. He was a decent guy who was being pretty nice to her. One verbal misstep (referring to her "Best Ass") did not warrant that complete flip out. He was right that she sometimes kind of

SPOILER: Marcus planted drugs on a classmate and narked him out to the police. Hopefully not too many people have been or will be a Marcus. Courtney (repellent and vile) and Zach (actually, I kind of liked Zach), I'll give you, but Marcus was horrible.

Edith confided (to Rosamunde?) when she was pregnant that she wished she could go raise the child in Mayfair and not carexwhat people thought, that Sybil could have done that, but that she wasn't like that. So she did consider it, but rejected it. All that has followed is the result of her poor (or absent) decision

The tunnel scene still creeps me out. That chicken head. *shudder*

You'll notice she kept silent about her lucrative and rewarding opportunity when it would have helped save the partnership at the Luncheonette. Bitch.

Haddie has shown herself to be the one character who can stand up to Kristina, and being on the other side of the country could only strengthen her resolve. Also, I doubt that Kristina would reallyrally the ranks for Sarah's wedding. She probably still hasn't forgiven Sarah for the whole Max/printer thing, and the

Zeek's death was too accepted. Even when you know it's someone's time, you never really calmly accept that someone has died when it happens. I would have liked to see a bit of drama surrounding his death — a few Mae Whitman tears maybe. Without a bit of drama, his death seemed unnecessary. I now remain curious to

I do now.

Agreed, there did seem to be an awful lot of kids in the future. I applaud Drew for showing some restraint.

Drew's wedding speech made me cry, and I loved that Drew and Hank agreed that the best man request required a hug.
Adam is now Headmaster of Chambers? That was his dream? (Yes, I'm going there.) That was stupid. And no viable non-profit has been clamouring after Kristina to franchise Chambers Academy. That annoyed

Those were the Arizona Bravermans. Remember, they were surprised that ALL the Arizona Bravermans were coming. Apparently, there are a lot of them.

How did she not leave when he threw her out? If Robert went off on me like that, I wouldn't continue to blithely await my sweets and savouries. Tom could do vastly better.

I don't understand how a "witness" overhearing Green saying "Why have you come?" casts suspicion on anyone in particular. She didn't see or hear the person to whom he spoke. It must be a slow crime week if that's enough to reopen the investigation.

OMG! I loathed Lori Grimes, but you're right: she was not as bad as Kristina Braverman. Can you imagine having to work with Kristina? Or having her for a neighbour? Or *shudder* having her marry into your family? Lori Grimes really puts it all in perspective.

Kristina would disagree with you about her competence to run the school, and she thinks you will find her opinion is more accurate, actually. Statistics are garbage.

I don't know whether I would call what Jasmine did interfering. She supported her husband by telling his brother what was going on, in a nice way, and accepted "I will think about it some more" as a reasonable response. If the situations were reversed, Kristina would have browbeaten Crosby into bowing to her will, and