West By God

As The dread Pirate Roberts pointed out, “To the Pain” is a far worse fate than death.

Can I write that I hope he dies here? Cause I hope he dies.

herman cain was double D DEAD in two short weeks

A Wallace Shawn-themed Inconceivable! Burger?

I’m always amused at the “logic” where people should tip more because the economy sucks and service workers aren’t getting paid much.  You know who else isn’t getting paid much?  90%+ of the workforce.  So I guess they get doubly screwed if they want to eat out.

That stuck out to me as well. That one phrase says A LOT.

she needed to put something up on TikTok that day”


I’d guess there are 200 movies on Netflix that deserve to be on the list instead of JOHN CARTER.  Like Moon, to name one.

Congratulations for finally reaching/skipping to the comments! As a reward, here is the actual list you were probably looking for when you clicked on this article:

I guess they finally decided to stop perpetuating the violence inherent in the system.

All forms of mass social media are causing sensationalization and fear mongering of this disease. Facebook is just as bad as Twitter.  

I wear a Bill Shatner mask everywhere and it makes social distancing a snap.

The King has spoken

It would probably be effective with 100% usage. The reason they aren’t currently recommending it is basically because not enough masks exist, not because it wouldn’t work.

Twitter needs to go away. 

If the CDC insists I wear a mask, I’m wearing a goddamned mask.

Personally, I’m wondering if G/O Media gets a kick for this kind of story.

A little off topic but can someone at Giz PLEASE do a story on the different kinds of vents, PLEASE, PLEASE?