There is so much evil to fix and evil still holds the Senate and White House.
There is so much evil to fix and evil still holds the Senate and White House.
Fox is a direct result of Reagan revoking the Fairness Doctorine and opening the door for right wing hate groups to broadcast their poison under the guise of news.
Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done
It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign
I hate this country.
Prison for all of them or it becomes a norm.
Sorry, but McRaven ‘coming out’ is a HUGE deal.
So....if a real ‘Christian’ white person decides that they don’t want POC’s and whites to marry and therefore won’t perform the service, is that protected? Same-sex marriages? Howabout, “I don’t believe Muslims and Mexicans should celebrate their birthdays in this country, so I ain’t making you a cake” - is that…
And the death of that Latina is on THEIR heads. But they’ll never understand that because they are entirely wedded to the idea that they did the best they could under the circumstances.
Nothing like going to Ghana for the first time and hearing how the American CIA supported the coup that took out Ghana’s first President, Kwame Nkrumah. Our response, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”
I highly, highly recommend everyone read The Black Jacobins, which is generally considered the best book about the Haitian Revolution. And I would also recommend the Revolutions podcast part on the Haitian Revolution. Not nearly enough people understand the fascinating and historical history of it and how the US…
You don’t have to be worried, it’s happened already, just it’s not being reported on the Root...yet. Just as there were a ton of left leaning folks and so called moderates who shook their finger at MLK, there are some of the same who will do it to the Red Hen. It’s not about being civil and tolerate anymore, it’s gone…
I said this elsewhere, and I’ll say it here.
Touting that he has the party establishment behind him is not a selling point.
If police officers were smart, and if they were willing and able to respect people’s civil rights, they’d always welcome cameras while doing their jobs. Any cop who tells people to stop recording them is a cop who considers it at least possible (if not probable) that s/he is going to do something of which s/he doesn’t…
Can you imagine being a son or daughter of these assholes?
No contradiction here…
The four seasons in downtown Boston.
However, apparently, that manager, Jay Dong, has no shame in his stance, insisting that his policies are not racist.