Wesley Sandel

Every place I ever worked that had a clock watcher for a supervisor every employee made it a point to F- off whenever they could. Because, well, why not F- over people who are treating you like cattle? 

I pity the fool...

“Red sky at night - sulpher dioxide.”

When moonshiners finished with a batch they’d feed the left over mash to the pigs - drunk pigs! 

“The feeling” is that, there are over two hundred armed militias in the US that are either openly white supremacist or with close ties to armed supremacists. Look for reprisal attacks. They’ll actually be hard to spot because America’s law enforcement community is already shooting defenseless black people with

It’s a White Trash World and white Mississippi is its capital!

It’s definitely little more than a racist shithole

Land of the fwee and home of the bwave - “But those heroes who are murdering defenseless children and torturing people are keeping me safe!” 

What’s a bubba to do when he can’t get an executive job based upon his college frat contacts and his skin color? 

Racism targeting black and brown people = a century of systematic, violent oppression

Maybe that would explain the soreness.

AP 30.06 rounds will go right through this vehicle - in one side and out the other - unless you get unlucky and it just goes in one side and bounced around inside. I imagine a .50 machine gun would make this into a colander.

The Civil War happened.

So the kid wasn’t murdered but they convicted another person who didn’t shoot the kid of murder.

The systematic, institutional, violent racist oppression of America’s defenseless Black population.

There is no “racism lite.” These people are the enemies of humanity.

Assassinating people, like MLK, is what White supremacists and nazis do.

You want to be civil with nazis and white supremacists, knock yourself out. But don’t expect us to be silent about it.

A popular story in my neck of the woods (NM) is that a man was waiting in line at the checkout at the grocery behind a woman who was speaking a foreign language on the phone. When the woman finished her conversation the man said, “Excuse me, Miss, but this is America and we speak American here.” To which the woman