Wesley Sandel

“any further use or disclosure of the information contained in these records could impede or interfere with law enforcement activities and violate the privacy rights and interests of the people whose information is contained in the records” That sounds like a very good reason to continue to use and disclose the

$4,700! I bought a 2004 Triumph Tiger this summer for $2000 and the last two cars I’ve owned cost less than $2000. It’s like ordering an $1100 bottle of wine with dinner. You could buy a really nice i7 chipped laptop for under a $1000 and feed $300 Guatemalan orphans for a year with the difference. And you’d be well

How about pirates stop lying about piracy (it’s stealing or it wouldn’t be called piracy) and producers stop lying about the harm it causes (it doesn’t hurt sales and therefore doesn’t actually harm the producers)? Then, everyone can have a discussion about the issue in the reality-based world.

We’d be glad to get you a one-way ticket to Somalia.