Against my better judgement, I watched the first one recently … It was so forgettable If you paid me a grand to tell you right now what it was actually about I couldn't do it.
That first movie from the early '90s though, the one with Elias Koteas as a genuinely deranged Casey Jones? That still really holds up. :)
Five Transformers movies and nothing for GoBots … where's the justice?!
You know, as much as I find this show tedious and stale, it's Seinfeld compared to a lot of other sitcoms that I'd much rather see leave to screens forever.
Damn you, Autocorrect!
Well, Dan Stevens was great in The Guest, Noah Hawley's Fargo is one of the best shows on television, and I'm in love with Audrey Plaza.
So, yeah, I'm in. :)
Wonder Boys is one of the great unsung classics of the '00s. An absolute friggin' gem.
Weird, MY house looks like the house from Home Alone as well … but that's just because I've spent the evening chasing Macauley Culkin around it with a crowbar.
Long story.
"And the Oscar goes to …"
Trying to blame Watchmen for the failings of DC's current editorial team is so wrong-headed - so sneaky, and opportunistic - it actually makes me dizzy.
Especially considering that story ended on a note of incredible, life-affirming optimism, an ending that suggested Doc Manhattan had finally found a way to appreciate…
The Street Sharks last episode "Fin", is still an absolute classic.
Oh come on! Who hasn't accidentally stabbed someone on Christmas Day?! It happens. It's hardly a jailable offence …
Where IS Tobey Maguire anyway? Is he okay? I mean, can I send him some money or something?
Is This It 4: Shit, that WAS it, wasn't it?
Well, at least he's wearing a helmet. In this day and age, not enough supervillains have the foresight to give health and safety it's proper respect.
I celebrated this last night entirely by accident.
Yeah, Marvel's casting is usually spot on but VanCamp was a rare miss. Although, to be fair the two movies she's been in haven't given her a lot to do.
Truly the stuff '90s childhoods are made of.
I'm … Not sure what I just watched. But I'm glad Rose Leslie is getting work.