I was all set to write something sarcastic here, when I realised that if this was a thing when I was, like, 7 I would have actually killed a box of puppies to go.
A big box.
I was all set to write something sarcastic here, when I realised that if this was a thing when I was, like, 7 I would have actually killed a box of puppies to go.
A big box.
I think the muppets should just disband and start turning up in other people's movies and TV shows as actors.
Clean up a homeless person, stick him in some snazzy formal attire, and bingo!
Instant manservant. :)
I honestly don't think he's made a truly great film since Sleepy Hollow … In 1999. Big Fish a few years later had its moments, but after that it's all over.
I think he peaked too soon, and got lazy.
We're talking about Lego here. Lego.
I'm finishing Stephen King's 'On Writing', then starting in on either Michael Moorcock's Cornelius Quartet, Grant Morrison's 'Supergods', or FINALLY William Gibson's 'Neuromancer'.
I haven't decided which yet. :)
They definitely have quite the problem on their hands.
Manly fires are the hardest to fight. :/
They should go meta.
A little worried that in Elba they've hired one of this generations best actors, then apparently completely covered him in unrecognisably thick makeup and distorted his voice.
Not exactly conducive to getting a great performance, is it?
"Asgard, uh … finds a way."
He totally would. I also think if you stuck a buzzcut and moustache on him he'd be a petty good JJ Jameson.
This certainly explains their aim …
Sounds like the passion's gone. If that's the case then he's completely right not to want to go back.
Cast someone who gives a shit.
That's too bad about Neon Demon. It looked interesting.
Doesn't this put a tremendous amount of pressure on the movie though?
I mean, if this is supposed to be a live action finale to a seven book series and it stinks, then doesn't that just sort of completely ruin the entire story?
To be fair, his beats are much fresher though.
PLEASE be set in the Prime Universe.
The Suicide Squad are still fundamentally villains though. You're not supposed to love them, you're supposed to love to hate them.
That's an important distinction, I think. :)
On the one hand, this is good news. It shows WB are actively taking the situation in hand, and Johns is capable of great things (check out his Green Lantern and Justice Society runs, in particular)