Muggers are gonna love them. These things'll make the easy marks nice and visible from far away.
Muggers are gonna love them. These things'll make the easy marks nice and visible from far away.
Man, I STILL really miss The Wire.
Totally. He should make one of those 'comedian plays exaggerated version of himself' sitcoms about it.
It'd be a huge hit!
To be fair, the head of their biggest, most revolutionary tech company is a middle-aged, wise-cracking, womanising drunk who looks the spitting image of Robert Downey Jr.
That's something, I guess.
Ah, well you'll have to wait through nine seasons and one incredibly weak finale to find out. :P
As a concept, it was doomed from the very beginning for basically being a gender-swapped clone of a show people had just spent about a decade already watching.
If they wanted to keep the HYIM brand alive there were more original ways to do it …
*watches video, finally gets tired of having a beard, starts shaving …
I sorta want them to start using this tech on famous historical figures, then have them talk smack to each other WWE style …
Yeah, he's one of the worst there is.
To be fair, I actually think Event Horizon has its moments though, and his Alien vs. Predator is a masterpiece compared to the sequel … :P
She's certainly a sight for Thor eyes.
Scott Eastwood, Jai Courtney, and Sam Worthington walk into a bar …
I'm not gonna lie, after Batman v Superman my enthusiasm for this has taken a serious hit.
If they can screw up a license to print money like that, they can screw up ANYTHING …
Was sort of hoping Sabretooth would be the bad guy again. This time played by an actor who was a) an actor b) actually intimidating …
It would have brought a nice sense of closure to Jackman's time in the role.
Oh good, just the other night as I was watching Archer, Venture Bros., Bojack Horseman, F is for Family, Bob's Burgers, and Rick & Morty I found myself sadly lamenting the complete lack of subversive animated shows on TV these days.
Yeah, Misfits peaked with that episode.
Whoever came up with the idea of a guy with the power to control milk (and then effortlessly writing him to be the most badass villain on the show) should write every episode of this new version …
A Star Wars prequel I can't friggin' wait for … The '90s really are making a comeback, aren't they? :P
For the briefest of moments I read the headline as " … Declares Jenny McCarthy a genius"
P. Alan Stormdyk?
Heh. Remember when all Smashmouth were known for this one song?
They've come a lonnnnnnnnnng way …