
Muggers are gonna love them. These things'll make the easy marks nice and visible from far away.

Man, I STILL really miss The Wire.

Totally. He should make one of those 'comedian plays exaggerated version of himself' sitcoms about it.
It'd be a huge hit!

To be fair, the head of their biggest, most revolutionary tech company is a middle-aged, wise-cracking, womanising drunk who looks the spitting image of Robert Downey Jr.
That's something, I guess.

Ah, well you'll have to wait through nine seasons and one incredibly weak finale to find out. :P

As a concept, it was doomed from the very beginning for basically being a gender-swapped clone of a show people had just spent about a decade already watching.
If they wanted to keep the HYIM brand alive there were more original ways to do it …

*watches video, finally gets tired of having a beard, starts shaving …

I sorta want them to start using this tech on famous historical figures, then have them talk smack to each other WWE style …

Yeah, he's one of the worst there is.
To be fair, I actually think Event Horizon has its moments though, and his Alien vs. Predator is a masterpiece compared to the sequel … :P

She's certainly a sight for Thor eyes.

Scott Eastwood, Jai Courtney, and Sam Worthington walk into a bar …

I'm not gonna lie, after Batman v Superman my enthusiasm for this has taken a serious hit.
If they can screw up a license to print money like that, they can screw up ANYTHING …


Was sort of hoping Sabretooth would be the bad guy again. This time played by an actor who was a) an actor b) actually intimidating …
It would have brought a nice sense of closure to Jackman's time in the role.

Oh good, just the other night as I was watching Archer, Venture Bros., Bojack Horseman, F is for Family, Bob's Burgers, and Rick & Morty I found myself sadly lamenting the complete lack of subversive animated shows on TV these days.

Yeah, Misfits peaked with that episode.
Whoever came up with the idea of a guy with the power to control milk (and then effortlessly writing him to be the most badass villain on the show) should write every episode of this new version …

A Star Wars prequel I can't friggin' wait for … The '90s really are making a comeback, aren't they? :P

For the briefest of moments I read the headline as " … Declares Jenny McCarthy a genius"

P. Alan Stormdyk?

Heh. Remember when all Smashmouth were known for this one song?
They've come a lonnnnnnnnnng way …