The Murphy/Nolan partnership is a bit the Depp/Burton one for people who don't own any Cure albums …
The Murphy/Nolan partnership is a bit the Depp/Burton one for people who don't own any Cure albums …
Is Jackie Chan slowly ageing into Fred Armisen? :o
I think it's because 'miniseries' makes a project sound small, a little unimportant maybe. Whereas, 'Event Series' sounds like something you DARE NOT MISS.
Which is funny, because I've yet to watch an 'event' show that wasn't seriously dull … I'm looking at you, New X-Files! :/
Now I'll be sure to never miss an episode of all of Starz awesome original shows like Ash VS. The Evil Dead and uh … Yeah! :D
Just don't make it dark and gritty or whatever … Remember, he's not actually supposed be ON Speed.
What the hell's a "radio"?
*Nods in agreement. Puts CD of 'Mambo No. 5' back on, and returns to playing Pogs.
Very true. :)
Dark Knight Returns Batman: "THIS IS THE WEAPON OF THE ENEMY. WE DO NOT NEED IT. WE WILL NOT USE IT." *smashes gun in half
Uh huh …
First of all, calm down. You're gonna put an eye out throwing around all those inverted commas.
Maybe, if it's not too much trouble, and if we ask really reeeeeeallly nicely, they'll make at least SOMETHING from this look like it does in the books.
Maybe, you know?
Is there anything adding puppies to doesn't make better?
You go(ne), girl!
Ah, April Fools Day.
Shoulda called it The Big Strang Theory.
How come Nas gets to dress up like a Ghostbuster, but when I do it at work and impishly suggest that, it's true my boss has no dick, I get a written warning?
I'm gonna take a complete shot in the dark here and say … party?
Why would Snow White's sister have a different second name from her? Unless … Snow White was merely her first name all along.
So what the heck IS her second name then?