First Gear: Never forget that the asshole oligarchs can only exist because of the rest of us. We buy the shit they shovel, and there are plenty of other shit-purveyors to go around.
First Gear: Never forget that the asshole oligarchs can only exist because of the rest of us. We buy the shit they shovel, and there are plenty of other shit-purveyors to go around.
NYC offered to extend their subway into New Jersey.
And this list also does a good job of illustrating the biggest challenge that EVs face for mass adoption… only one of these vehicles has a price tag that begins with a “3”.
You can’t convince me that BaT is not some elaborate money laundering scheme.
I think the fact that it looks like my old doodles is why I like it so much
The car itself is nice, but too much money for a car that I’d probably have to put an equal amount of money into just to remove the current owners’ questionable modifications. Without all the terrible, terrible stickers (both in design and execution), which let everyone in visual proximity know that yes, this is…
The Nike “swoosh” sticker alone has me swiping left.
This is a case where you’re buying the owner as much as the car.
OOOHHH, so they were speeding through a residential area to cover another cop’s ass for doing some thing stupid. I now understand their excessive urgency.
1 3 1 2
Came here to say this. Continental GT would be my choice.
Royal Enfield’s Interceptor 650 comes to mind. The seat looks like a 2x4 covered in vinyl.
I’ve said it before on here - but it’s worth repeating. The Honda Element.
They could probably do this somewhat easily by scaling down the C8 platform a little and throwing in whatever 2.0L turbo 4 cylinder they have in other GM models. I suspect the only reason they haven’t is that the 2.0L Supra didn’t sell at all and they think this might not either, especially with used C8s starting to…
EV sounds trying to be anything other than what they are are the absolute worst trend I can think of. A loud ICE exhaust, whether is sounds bad (most of them) or good (very few), is at least the result of modifying sound waves generated for a practical purpose - propulsion.
It’s tempting, since you’d be hard-pressed to find a first-gen in such good condition, but the price is a bit too high. I’d give it a NP if it were priced at $8K.
I consider myself firmly middle-class, and I can’t conceive of giving a first time driver a new vehicle. Something small, thoroughly used, handed down multiple times and with bodywork which looks like Mickey Rourke, yes.
Right, it JUST SO HAPPENS the dude trying to slip this into the bill happens to be the guy who got publicly accosted at the airport when he tried to flee his state and its constituents who were freezing to death.
The Key Bridge is the transportation option for moving Hazardous Material around Baltimore. Now that same traffic will have to go the long way around 695 to rejoin 95 south of the city. (Anyone whose driven that section recognizes the traffic flow is going to take a huge hit from the increased trucks.) There area also…