
I definitely hear you, but I’m still unconvinced that that’s not due to general NVH mitigation, similar to what we do for ICE cars. I know I’m in the minority here and what I’m asking for is a performance/sporty EV that checks similar boxes for its ICE counterpart. Hearing the electric motor(s) do their thing, even if

Now playing

I just want EV’s to make the sound that they actually make. Right now they’re trying to capture the hearts and minds of ICE enthusiasts with the fake gear changes and noises. I say embrace what they are and just allow them to sound like giant RC cars. Don’t insulate me from the sounds in the name of “luxury”. Give me

this is exactly what I suspect. AI is not capable of really generating any sort of 3D models that are actually useful in a game (generally too dense, and poor topology for animating). They’re probably modified versions of ripped models. That’s a super common workflow for many game mods, so it wouldn’t shock me in the

one of those exists and it’s amazing. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing it in person

Most shooters get old to me pretty quickly. Battle Royales can hold me for a little longer, but it’s rare that I enjoy playing either for more than a weekend or 2

Yup, every time I’ve commuted to work, I’ve either crashed into a curb to avoid being hit by a car or have nearly been slammed into a parked car by a moving car. Each time I’m using bike lanes and stopping at lights. I’ve resorted to just leisure rides, which is harder now that I live in a very hilly NIMBY

I was going to buy this on day 1 when I saw that the cyborgs were back. Seeing them relegated to assist duty is a disappointment. I’ll either wait for a patch/DLC that makes them playable with full movesets, or get this on sale/gamepass like MK games always end up if they stay stuck in their current roles.

probably a slight flex, but I have yet to die to the butcher. I almost always play with a friend though

I’m running necro and I’ve run into him about as often. Thankfully I was running with a barbarian and 11 skeletons + golem (thanks, legendary perks!) so I was able to mostly kite. It took a while to kill him til pretty recently, but I’ve never actually died to him somehow

Based on adtech work I’ve done, 2 seems to be the most likely

I’ve fully bought into the idea/conspiracy that forces are actively trying to hire people like this. Someone smarter or more moral wouldn’t want to do the job in the first place

Lots of us folks sort of need to notice these things more or less as a matter of survival. Sounds like you’re one of the lucky ones

Millions of us do. Millions of us also don’t kill people

About a decade ago I saw and test drove a E39 M5 that was for sale in a no name lot for like $14k. Thankfully, I didn’t have that sort of cash at the time. I remember that being particularly cheap at the time so who knows what sort of headaches I would have had

I threw a comment in another thread higher up about it. I did my best, even though it may be a reach

My guess is that the significance of the phrase is lost on pretty much anybody here who isn’t/hasn’t been around a lot of reggae/dancehall/etc. “Bun Dem” is sort of a mantra in a significant portion of that genre that is specifically about burning/killing queer people. I don’t fault you for not knowing this (it’s

it wasn’t til your comment that I realized that this guy isn’t the WarThunder leaker

yeah that’s about where I stand on this. Base model wheels, no indication of a sport diff, and the grossest interior upholstery. I paid about this price a little more than a year ago for a model with the sport diff and 20k fewer miles in a much more interesting color

Lots of us around these parts it seems. I’m stopping quite a bit shy of where this example is modded, mostly because I don’t need 500hp and it’s primarily a road trip car

Yeah they’re local to me and always have interesting stuff. This car is slightly overpriced, especially without any indication that this has the torque vectoring differential