I have no clue why those idiots did what they did other than being idiots. And A, B, and C are exactly the problem and why I take issue with the whole thing. If we know it, the cops certainly know it, and acted on it.
I have no clue why those idiots did what they did other than being idiots. And A, B, and C are exactly the problem and why I take issue with the whole thing. If we know it, the cops certainly know it, and acted on it.
Just like the rest of your replies to me, you’ve made some wrong assumptions on your end as well as to what you believe my motivations are. You seem more intent on being right than understanding that more than 1 thing can be true. Seeya
No...I’m calling the cop kissers cop kissers. These takeover idiots shouldn’t have been there nor should they have been blocking emergency services. But nowhere in a cop’s job description or training are they told to run people over if they don’t do what they say. And that only took me 3 seconds to think of. Demand…
They all have these weird Rambo fantasies that they try to live out via the boys in blue.
This is exactly what all of the boot lickers and cop kissers seem to be missing. “BRRR WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE??” Probably not drive into a crowd and then freak out when the crowd is pissed. This isn’t hard.
This is such a dull take. Everyone is talking like crowds just appear out of nowhere. He drove into a group of people, and panicked when he realized that he couldn’t get out. So yeah, someone like that probably shouldn’t be a cop.
And the basement thing is so trite. I swear cop kissers have like 2 jokes.
Yeah. Unfortunately pedestrian safety standards are such that a wedge shaped car will never exist again. Hopefully they do a retro look at least as good as the latest mustangs, challengers, etc
Do they though? Also, you don’t seem to know the difference between jail and prison. I didn’t expect much from you though. Ungreying you was mostly charity.
I probably would have just not become a cop if I was smart enough to avoid driving into a crowd without knowing how I’d get out of said crowd without running anybody over
So let me get this straight. A cop can do “something bad” because he feels a law was broken? Am I allowed to do “something bad” if I see a cop breaking a law too?
*wet kissing noises*
Yawn...What does antifa have to do with this anyway? Stay on topic. Cop runs people over on purpose. That’s bad.
*louder kissing noises*
C’mon, there hasn’t been a Halo game in years. If you’re gonna try to use a basement dweller joke (yawn) at least try to be current. Hell, even if I was, I’d be less of a scumbag than cops who willingly run people over
The Esprit is one of my favorite cars of all time. I think it’s more than decent looking but I have a thing for ugly British cars (I’ll take one of every TVR ever made, please).
*loud kissing noises*
I honestly have no sympathy. I probably would have just not become a cop if I was smart enough to avoid driving into a crowd without knowing how I’d get out of said crowd without running anybody over. When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail
Here come all the cop kissers
I doubt I’ll ever afford it, but a new Esprit is so exciting. I wonder if that V6 hybrid will include a turbo.
pardon my carelessness
I love it. I want it.