Shut up, Wesley!

If you drowned off the coast of Delaware, would there be better tax advantages for your body being discovered on the shore or floating in international waters?

The Churn<em></em>
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How fucking corrupt do you have to be to get banned by FIFA?! That’s like being too fat for KFC.

spiraling his way back to Denver in the, umm, year since.

It’s really not ok to “out” anybody. Love and let love, brother.

that is funny to me because his other hand is enveloped in a device which is designed to do what this bare hand is not.

I know! I’m the first person in my family to attend a PWI (3 generations before at one particular HBCU) and my mom doesn’t let me forget it. My school’s financial package was something I couldn’t pass up though. It’s definitely not all bad tho! The Black community up here is tight and expansive, so I’ve found my

Whaaaaaaaat is thiiiiiiis? :o Oh my god, no.

But that still leaves one death that wasn’t rider error.

If a Ferry boat ever capsizes in Nice, France and 69 people die I’m going to lose it.

Nah. That’s butthole son.

Forgive me if I’m mistaken but I always thought that was two men in the picture.

Video is inconclusive so we have to go with the call on the field, unfortunately. Sorry, dems da rules.

Hi Crystal,

say it to my face

He goes by Sascha

Coincidentally, “the spice must flow” is Irsay’s personal motto.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.