My dad, like a lot of dads, was pretty testy where his manual Ranger was concerned so I had to wait until my brother came home from college to learn stick. Steve was much more willing to tolerate any learning curve than Dad was.
My dad, like a lot of dads, was pretty testy where his manual Ranger was concerned so I had to wait until my brother came home from college to learn stick. Steve was much more willing to tolerate any learning curve than Dad was.
I felt the same way so I bought a Mazda B-series truck (much uncool, but trusty). No regrets.
That and the widespread use of steam power.
Tweeter posted and they caught me red-handed bangin’ on the after-deck sole.
Are you kidding? It’s so common that it’s spawned a movie review cliche.
You missed this juicy comment, where he says these women who are glad to be getting abortions are from “villages”, which is code for Alaska Natives.
Transformers 5?
You mean the right fielder?
F. Red Sox Flub Stupid Attempt To Follow Dumb Unwritten Rule
So as the ump pulls off his mask, his hat falls over his face, which reveals that he was wearing the mask over his ballcap with the brim in front.
How is that possible?!
Perfect agreement btw username and post.
Officially, sure, but it’s been years and birth rates haven’t budged.
One child policy + three rows = ???
They have an Australian accent.
Sounds like something you hear from a D-lineman’s little talking avatar when they’re introducing the teams at the start of an NFL game.
Right to work, indeed.
Muh boy Tatiano.
Well they’re sure not gonna need the extra seats.
Indeed and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the league’s punishment because it helps enforce the limits, arbitrary though they may be. But I don’t count it as a mark against Noah’s character that he chose to push the rules to their limit. He’s gotta sit out the rest of the season, and good luck next year.