Shut up, Wesley!

You obviously know better than I, but I thought most top athletes (and/or their trainers) across most sports are looking at their rules and then going right up to the limit. In that system, inevitably some guys will by bad luck fall on the wrong side of the line.

If he can’t afford to own the team, maybe he should sell the team.

Tornado warning means there was an actual tornado. Were you thinking of a tornado watch?

Works for me, though we’re gonna have to run some crazy new offense with both Russ and Isaiah Thomas on the floor.

I’ve acknowledged that I’d take any rim-rocking power forward in Blake’s place. As for Steph, even if it’s not his best season, he still provides the unique spectacle of launching shots from anywhere on the court with the expectation that they’ll go in.

That’s Joel’s identical twin who absorbed all the calcium from his bones in the womb, right?


Feel free to replace Blake with any PF who does good dunks.

What’s the all-NBA all-fun team this season? I’ve got:
Blake Griffin

I have a basic confusion on trades: do the Browns now pay Osweiler’s contract, or will the Texans still provide the cash with the Browns just taking on the cap hit?

The Bills’ new coach is engaging in symbolic acts to elevate his status among the players, huh? I guess it’s true when they say “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”

Now for the Cheat to hit something with a golf club. Go Dumples!

Get that man a boombox and some Peter Gabriel.

Looks to me like she travelled.

Yeah, the only feature you’ll ever lose is voice reply because the watch sends the raw data to Pebble’s servers for voice-to-text. Pebble says those servers will remail live through the end of 2017. Then, who knows?

I got a Pebble 2 at about the time the sale was announced. No regrets, I love it and wear it every day.

Lol, no way. Pebble’s VC investors were not holding out for more than $740mil at a time when they weren’t willing to put another $25mil of their own into the company.

Men who have sex with men.

...These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard,
There may be many others but they haven’t been discahvered.

“No, we don’t need to talk and we aren’t going to,” the minor reportedly replied. “You did what you did and I’m not going to give you a chance to try and justify it.”