Wes Clone

I thought Nick's speech was about being a druggie living in strange temporary places until they go south and running from the cops or the parents, and I didn't think it was that stupid. I also think that may be something "Strand" saw in him that would make him a value

Watching that scene, when he opened his box of cigs, I saw how clearly white the one he took was.  I initially thought this was staging for the scene so Aaron Paul could easily grab the cigarette out of the pack, as in my head smoking a cigarette in the waiting room was bad enough.  When the receptionist said he was

Yeah, who could he be going against with all that?  I keep feeling like he's going to end up flipping and taking down Madrigal for a deal.  It's one of the only options I can come to for how he escapes town alive, I'm sure I'll be wrong though

I think that's just Saul, I feel like he wears a lot of ugly shirts, mustard yellow and puke green

I agree, and I feel like his prolonged reaction to Todd shooting the kid dead is a little off.  I mean without a doubt it is in character for him to be affected by it and be sad and morose, but we've skipped through time.  What is it?  like 3-6 months since that happened?  He's still thinking about it every second

I bet if BB didn't likely have a very tight script, and episodes planned with little room for additions, Odenkirk must have improv'ed like a dozen amazingly hilarious racist lines at the start of that scene

that was an underrated callback, that was excellent.  That and big bear, such minor lines that were truly beloved that they found decent ways to bring back.  Big bear was a little forced in, would have been better coming out of GOB's mouth

wait people thought they had to put that in because they couldn't get full rights??

So Rogen is just always a pothead to you?  He is a bad actor, at least he cant lose himself, but putting him next to Wiig was unfair, she murdered the young lucille bit, I was certain they were dubbing in Jessica Walter's voice when she first started and was blown away when that wasn't the case.

I agree, the later episodes had a lot of stuff that added extra laughs to those odd half-lines you keep hearing but not thinking of.  It should have been more obvious to all of us because almost no line in the show is throw away.  But I love how they did that, very good at getting a lot out of what they have, they

I just thought it was an underwhelming GOB and Lupe joke.  When Michael replied with "I KNEW IT!" it struck me like he had been banging her since his teen years.  What was really funny to me is I just saw that reveal.  I watched through all of them by monday afternoon, but I was either falling asleep at the end of

They did it with GM without having him follow through on it, which was amazing because he never had a chicken dance/call

It isn't as chock full of laughs, but people who were very disappointed are fucking ridiculous.  You had to expect it wouldn't be the same, and if you didn't find it good and funny, you probably didn't find the original stuff that funny either.

that and the bees was pretty great.  I also was a big fan of George Sr singing "All You Need Is Smiles" in the RV, that was excellent.

yeah, good point.  Looked like the horns the Dothraki used to drink out of

yeah, good point.  Looked like the horns the Dothraki used to drink out of

seems like the same chick to me, but her breasts and crotch weren't out so I'm not able to comment with 100% certainty

seems like the same chick to me, but her breasts and crotch weren't out so I'm not able to comment with 100% certainty

I'm with you Whovian, when people say they are afraid of cats or hate cats, I just feel like "who hurt you as a child?"  Cats are the best pet, you don't need to take them out in the rain and show for them to shit, and if you raise them right they just want to hang out with you all the time

I'm with you Whovian, when people say they are afraid of cats or hate cats, I just feel like "who hurt you as a child?"  Cats are the best pet, you don't need to take them out in the rain and show for them to shit, and if you raise them right they just want to hang out with you all the time