I was thinking more of a Claire "wheas my baybee"
I was thinking more of a Claire "wheas my baybee"
I was thinking more of a Claire "wheas my baybee"
I wish she did
I wish she did
and the alpha male guy who got one question and it didn't actually pertain to him. Tall guy (Michael?) didn't really get much either, he strikes me as incredible quiet and boring. During the game, during the reunion, in the ponderosa videos… everywhere
I think the real right answer was more like when she turned on Troy and Jay who she had said she was going to go far with. That alliance is what got the boys to be fine voting out Jonas and the tall guy. Her saying "when I voted out Jonas" was basically the "give me all your votes answer". Its like, I'm not upset…
so colton's definitely in? I was hoping it wouldn't be him, he'd be useless really because who would keep him? He's useless around camp, in challenges, all he is is a number that might decide to be a complete moron at some point