Christ on a crutch. Noonan was the proto-Conway. I mean, poetic, in a weird way, but certainly nonsensical.
It was an open 3, taken from a short corner, by a pretty good shooter in a situation that warranted it. I have absolutely no problem with that shot and neither should anyone else.
I think it’s kind of a cop out to say that progressives didn’t have anything to come out for in the midterms because yeah, maybe there weren’t any candidates for them to get really ginned up about, but the alternative candidates are openly hostile to the basic concept of a progressive society. If the choice is between…
It’s the same reason the right was so cozy with Milo Yiannapolis or however you spell that dirtbag’s name. He was useful until he wasn’t and then the right dropped him. Cultivating a relationship with HBCUs is Trump’s way of making sure he has a black friend to point to when he undoubtedly does some horribly racist…
This feels like a pretty simple quid pro quo for HBCUs and the administration: by offering this carrot, the administration gets to say that they support communities of color while undermining any social programs that would not only allow people of color to afford higher education, en masse, but also social programs…
5 years of picking on him and arguably negatively impacting his compensation? Yeah, that’s not being thin-skinned. That’s called reaching a breaking point. Steve Kerr even said that he had preconceived notions about what McGee brings to the court and I’d be shocked if his Shaq-informed reputation has cost him real…
But here’s the thing: the Dems calculus was correct. Progressive voters DIDN’T turn out in droves during the midterms and, hell, even during the presidential election.
Just because you say things, that doesn’t make them true.
I’m assuming you don’t have more stars because this post is only 10 minutes old.
Had Markkanen been more effective/efficient on offense, the defensive performance would have been moot. As things went the way they did, the defense helped make up for his lack of offensive production.
Nice disclaimer at the end, just to provide cover that you’re not in the can for Trump. Did you not read the article? 9 government agencies had to approve the deal, and the Russians still didn’t get any of the licenses needed to export the uranium. So no, Russians didn’t get access to American uranium because they…
You can’t ever be right or wrong about the future.
It just seems that part of her rationalization is to say that there’s some other force at work that made her cheat, not that she chose to cheat. It’s society, for making her derive her sense of self worth from attention from men. It’s her body issues that made her cheat. Not that she made the conscious decision to…
So she doesn’t need to admit fault, because it’s evident that she’s the one that cheated? For me, the admission of fault is a pretty key piece of the accountability puzzle and if someone cheated on me and never told me that they accept full responsibility, rather they just kind of hint at it, that would make…
Right? The former is shifting responsiblity from herself to society, the latter is saying, “the way that I gauge whether/how much someone loves me is by how much they let me hurt them”. Crazypants.
I know the feeling. You’re going to be all right. Moving to a new place is challenging, but you’ll grow and be stronger and more resilient for it. Plus, when you find find or build a new community, that will, itself, be validation.
But it’s also not unreasonable for him to need a long time to get over it. I’d like more information before I jump to any conclusions, but I wonder if he feels like he can’t talk to her about his feelings of betrayal. I won’t cast aspersions, but there are a few scenarios in which I can see that playing out.
I like the cut of your gib.