
Yeah, that feels kind of tantamount to saying, “as soon as I’m happy I’m going to bang some other dudes”. Taking the whole thing in, he knows she’s trying to lose weight. Then she comes to him and says, “if I lose weight, I’ll be tempted to cheat on you again”. And she’s still trying to lose weight. Which kind of

I’m sure he assumed that things will heal in time. My guess is that things aren’t that rosy, even overlooking the whole cheating thing. There was another commenter upthread that basically said that it seems like she’s got her head in the sand about other problems in the relationship, convincing herself that they were

Like all things, it depends. Some people cheat and externalize their issues that cause them to cheat. Some people look inward and kinda just feel sorry for themselves without working to become better people. Some people both look inward AND do the work they need to do such that they can be in a monogamous

Eh, just because you’re married doesn’t remove all your insecurities. There are other reasons that I believe she hasn’t really taken responsibility here, but that’s not one of them.

But she never also says anything amounting to, “I made the many decisions to cheat”. It’s a series of rationalizations ranging from, “I’ve been conditioned by a patriarchal society to derive self-worth from guys wanting to bang me” to “he only really loves me if he’s willing to let me hurt him” and they ALL put to

97% white. 3% black. There you go.

He doesn’t realize that he just admitted America is racist AF.

I dunno, a billion dollars is a lot of money.

But just over 97% of this round table is white. Even by your standards, this is skewed.

I was equally confused, not having played CS in a LONG time. I figured it allowed each player to see enemies when their teammates engaged them, but spectator mode makes a lot more sense.

For real. The Japanese legit coined the word umami.

Right? I know it’s a fool’s errand, but I wonder if you could arrive at a reasonable number in terms of how much Long brought in to the school because of his football playing skills. Something tells me the school got the better end of that deal.

Counterpoint: LA is actually a great city and if your litmus test of whether a city is “good” is just whether traffic exists there, then NYC, Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicago must all be second-rate cities. Which begs the question, if traffic is the qualifier that makes a city second-rate, how can a city support

Trump isn’t dignified in any way, shape, or form, so there’s that. You’re right that he’s an asshole, but he’s certainly not dignified.

There are a handful of responses, but I think they need to be taken together to really get at what rubberband combat means: it’s the structure of having the combat circle attached to a single enemy in an encounter and it’s the ability of the player to bounce back and forth within that circle to sort of game the combat

I friggin’ love PB&J. Crunchy 4lyfe, but no toast. I want to be able to cram as much of that sando in my mouth at one as possible.

+1 for Bachelor. When I was living in LA and my buddies were in SF, we would always make a Bend trip over President’s Day. Good beer everywhere and relatively cheap lift tickets, plus a not-at-all crowded mountain with awesome snow.

That makes sense, taken with the other comments. I’ve actually played through FFXV (am starting the post-game content as soon as I finish Costlemark and Crestholm), so I’m familiar with how you escape combat situations in the game. One of the things that really irritates me about that scheme for determining whether

You’re an American. Like it or not, your name is on it, as is mine.

You’d think that, wouldn’t you?