
NFL Street was the perfect marriage between a Madden-style NFL game and NFL Blitz.

It’s smart for her, actually. She’s realizing the return on her investment in Trump during the election - remember that her family gave out something like 100 million dollars to get this fermented turd elected and if DeVos has to take a public beating like this to see the billion-plus dollar return on that investment,

Maybe I’m gaming this out too much in my head, but doesn’t the fact that you’d expect Schindler to be carrying water for the administration lend a certain credence to the information he’s peddling? If Bill O’Reilly starts talking about the toxic atmosphere at Fox News, I’m inclined to believe him because it’s not

You know as well as I do that Tomsula is living in a shipping container at the Port of Oakland. Given his craftiness, there’s no way he’s slumming it under an overpass.

Oh come on, he can’t be that good at it. He can’t even remember that the shower tool he’s looking for is a loofah. Although I giggle uncontrollably at the mental image of O’Reilly in a shower with some fried chick-pea balls trying to act all seductive.

There is a 100% chance Kyler plays lacrosse.

I think the point he was trying to make was that it doesn’t make a ton of sense to get your only information about the Russian military directly from...the Russian military. And, given the state of Russian media, you could easily surmise that those blogs you read are curated by someone within the Russian government.

He’s referring to the progressives that decided a vote for Hillary was just as bad as a vote for Trump.

It’s broadly making fun of immigrants, but only those that would cross the southern border where a wall might prevent them from doing so. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you made that very salient, thoughtful, and well-supported comment.

Well now I want a cheeseburger for lunch.

I like how he escaped a minimum security facility and...just never left town. And Hillsboro is, in fact, a very small town.

He was deep into it, even while in college. If I remember correctly, his college career was ended prematurely by his cocaine arrest and subsequent removal from the team, which is when he decided to go pro. The point you’re making is valid, but this guy isn’t the martyr you want for the cause.

I also have a couple of siblings that were way worse behaved than myself, so I’d imagine she could get a lot of use out of that shed.


From my highschool playing days, I’d go through maybe two pairs of shoes in a regular season. Basketball is basically a year-round sport, between open gyms/scrimmages, summer leagues, etc. If I had lobbied for $1,000 worth of shoes for highschool basketball, my mom would have built a woodshed so she could have beat my

I think that was the quote I heard on NPR. I was paraphrasing from my half listening (I was driving, it was raining hard, and I’m the only one that knows how to drive :P)

Yeah. Nobody looks good in that analysis. And it’s not wrong.

I think I can shed some light on the “insurance does not equal healthcare” line of reasoning: it’s a line that Spicer (among others) has trotted out in response to the argument that Trumpcare will push millions of people off health insurance. It’s essentially that, if care is so prohibitively expensive to use, then

I’ve heard that, as well. Either way, it speaks to a different manifestation of racism.