
I was going to reply, but then I realized how few fucks I give about this. You clearly think you’re the smartest person in any room and you enjoy talking down to people. Enjoy your sense of superiority, I hope it serves you well in all your interpersonal relationships.

Uh...yeah, interpretation of law is all about subjectivity. That’s why appellate courts exist: if one person doesn’t think the subjective interpretation and application of the law is correct, you appeal to someone else that you hope thinks along the same lines that you do.

I feel like you’re just playing semantics, at this point. When the Nazi gets on a soap box and gins up hatred toward a specific group of people, telling his acolytes that the Jews must die to make their lives better, how is that not inciting violence?

I hate Dook as much as anyone, but that was pretty minor in terms of his oeuvre. I mean, unnecessary, but not that big a deal.

Got it, so advocating a murder is illegal, advocating genocide is a-ok! Also, to your point about me taking liberties with Spencer’s position: he’s a neo-Nazi, white supremacist that has argued in favor of “peaceful ethnic cleansing”. Now ask yourself, when in history has an ethnic cleansing ever been a peaceful

We do know that his offseason work ethic is unparalleled. He just keeps showing up and chopping wood.

The real question is how gritty he is.

Give him a few days, his administration is still very young. He’s openly talked about rounding up immigrants, putting Muslims on watchlists, and he’s scapegoated almost every marginalized group he can think of in service of “Making America Great Again” (which in no way has echoes of the rhetoric employed by Hitler to,

You know, I never thought I’d defend anything that came out of Pence (or Indiana, for that matter), but having recently moved here, I’ve heard at least two older couples (my girlfriend’s mom’s friends and said girlfriend’s aunt and uncle) who refer to each other as “mom and daddy” or something along those lines. I

You’re saying that demagogues have a right to incite violence against a specific group of people, as long as it’s not directed at a specific individual? If this asshole gets people killed, he’s allowed to just say, “well, all I did was say that we should kill all Jews, I didn’t actually do any of the killing, myself,

Given that it’s the NCAA, I’d wager this is an issue of more, rather than less, bullshit.

Another fascist with a persecution complex. Sad!

The distinction is that your rights end where mine begin. If you’re Richard Spencer and inciting racial violence, you’re infringing on other people’s rights. We don’t have to make room for people whose agenda involves removing the rights of others. If person X got is advocating for and enabling a view that denies the

It wasn’t so long ago that killing Nazis was considered patriotic. When the US fought against oppressive fascists with genocide as openly understood goals. We need some vintage Captain America around here these days. The kind of Captain America that beat the ever-loving shit out of Nazis because putting an ass-beating

A framed still of DJT from that Russian hooker video. But in a very expensive frame.

Well this is garbage. I was late to the FFXV game and am just starting chapter 5. I’m having tons of fun, but I want to experience the game and the Gold Saucer was one of my favorite parts from FFVII. I paid for the game, I should get access to all the features.

I know I’m being nitpicky, but Roberts was speaking to Ron Wyden, from Oregon.

I’d get a little more aggressive about it, but I’m definitely reading from your playbook: walk into their cubicle, make eye-contact, fart, smile, walk away.

Melania looks every bit the soulless ice queen she’s demonstrated to be.