Werewolf Jones

Well then, it may be tacky, but I'm going back and upvoting all my old comments.

Hey, you're a lawyer—can't you law us out of this switch somehow? Like, uh, eminent…tort?

I was saying Kinja will Boooo-urn this community down.

["I hate this shit" placeholder.]

No, Sonny Jim Jones is Dougie and Janey-E's kid. Keep up.

I only watched this series because my dyslexia led me to believe there would be far more throwing-people-out-of-windows. The joke is, I thought it was the Defenestrators. Funny? Meh.

Upvoted for shat us right up.

Willie, please! Mr. Van Houten has the floor.


I think someone on the comment section of a previous Mailbag speculated that they're waiting for the water to freeze so they can walk around the wall. Otherwise, given the magic wall, I really don't know their game-plan.

Good, he'll find the very real illegal immigrant downvoters who've been hurting my tally.

Hmmm. Yes, quite. (Light's cigar with Action Comics #1.)

Of the Connecticut Pussyfiends? (Sniffs brandy.)

Antepenultimatals? Or is that preantepenultimatals?

So the review has you feeling Optimustic about this film?

A soft focused shot of a Doritos Supreme on a white plate in a bare, clean room, glimpsed through a sheer, wind-flapped white curtain.
Soft ethereal young woman's voice, whispered as if intimately in your ear: Love…I remember that day on the sandy beach…oceans as old as the stars…you said we'd never part…BONG!

That's my asshole, over-achieving brother. Always grooming himself before fucking fruit in public. Mama's little golden boy.

I think they do a great job.

If you remix this comment from a minor to a major key, it really sounds quite positive and uplifting!

I saw Predator in 4d once. Wait, no I didn't.