Werewolf Jones

"I ate some shit."
—One (of two) girl(s) with a cup.

I bet Dabney Coleperson had a hand in this too.

I blame Jarles.

Keep up with the times; it's no longer Vulvarine, it's Vag-23.

And she should be wearing the traditional Targaryen flame-retardant wet T-shirt.

Baking is also like alchemy in that the goal is to create a homunculus to spite God's design.


#2- A Saucerful of Milk

That cat looks like he has his own carefully detailed, ranked list of every Pink Floyd song.

Fake spews!

Also BIGR OLLS makes for some terrible knuckle tats.

"The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence."

I know, texting? He used to do you the courtesy of threatening your life in person, perhaps over a nice rosé.

“'It was the best of Optimus Prime, it was the blurst of Optimus Prime?' You stupid monkey!”

To be followed by the Age of Jazzy Jeffrius.

Are we still living in the Willennium?

It'll have all the urbane wit of a New Yorker cartoon. So many delicious bon mots!

Come over to the window, my little darling
I'd like to try to eat your butt

Kevin Smith?

The header image gives a hint to LucasFilm's justifiable concerns; he wanted to name Episode IX Star Wars: Sunbites.