Werewolf Jones

These people, anyone know who they are?
Please, inform me as to the identities of these individuals.
No, no, NO! Damn it! I must crack this!

I think he was perfectly cast and really enjoyable in I ❤️ Huckabees.

Because they're getting too old for this shit?

They'll implement the Bazinga-Transmogrifier, rendering old, unprofitable Futurama quotes into synergistic references to sponsored content.

It can be, let's see…five things.

If you get stuck you can just repeat yourself. Repeat yourself like it's your job. Like repetitiveness is your job.

Squirrel Resembling Abraham Lincoln Found, you say?

Or…audiences will, um…The Very Best of The Smiths vol. 2.

Wait, we're (almost) letting Guerrilla-Marxists make lesbian shows now? Thanks, Obama!

It turns out the Slenderman has lovehandles and a paunch.

When I was a kid we sacrificed people to the Great Old Ones, and it was good enough us. I blame the hip-hop.

Yeah, but by day nine we were so tired of all the winning, we said ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ So he cut us some slack.

There's no way of phrasing this that won't sound mean, but he bears a passing resemblance to the Jack Links beef jerky Sasquatch.



…proving he's a flat-earther. Why are we recapping old articles here?

He'll really get into the format, start giving tanning-bed-side chats.

That's good!

Where do I bid on the face that she kept in the jar by the door?