Werewolf Jones

Tres magnifique.

I wonder what they offer for fine, barrel-aged bourbons?

[Starts collecting pitchforks, rounding up angry mob]

And Lynch didn't actually disappear up his own ass until Inland Empire.

Who are they casting as Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper?

"I like fowl who weren't captured."

—The AV Club

Next up: How the Secret Ingredient to My Dinner with Andre Was Actually the Dialogue.

He tries to cop a feel on Death, if that tickles your fancy.

Um, actually the Goon belongs to Dark Horse.

I hope they're constructing a millennial Vincent Price.

So when you admire an object, you don't share your admiration with the owner of that object? That's just rude.

And back up…a little further…keep going…further…further…

And the bastards will still refuse to televise it.


Dear Mr. President,
There are too many western democracies nowadays. Please delegitimize one.
P.S. You are not a kook!

Featuring The Stark Family Smile-Time Variety Hour! and The Love-matic Stannis!

Dope's got Big Faygo behind him; Rock can't outspend that.

…Woozle Wuzzle?