Werewolf Jones

The real party is in Glastonbury Grove. Shit's off the hook.

Playing house? I prefer playing doctor [wiggles eyebrow lasciviously].

But you'll be able to insist upon the illegality of sodomy between consenting adults.

While yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater.

In this one case, or in all instances? Henceforth, or retroactively?

What's up with Marvel putting out an alternate cover with an (unrelated) female character dressed as the title character? Another one of these previews had Gwen Stacy doing the same.

Why isn't this called Tête-à-Teti?

I've already got tickets for the Philly show, so if you Quallify for this giveaway, maybe I'll see some of you dinguses there.

Whenever the AVC can't think of a catchy headline, from here on out they should use this as the backup. Deadpool 2 is bigger than Hulk Hogan’s dick. Medea Orchestrates A Military Coup is bigger than Hulk Hogan’s dick.

Spider-Man's been living in Queens since 1962, lady.

Or seduced him and pulled an Ava from Ex Machina.

You were saying blue-urns?

Hey, pal, the Community Newswire is that-a-way ☛ ☛

With nail polish?

“Lando had not mailed the hologram, but in an act of defiance, dramatically hurled it into the clouds… This proved a more difficult dramatic gesture than he’d anticipated.”

“Then, mistaking a group of garishly dressed bounty hunters for pirates, Han boarded a cruiser full of homosexuals.”

I lived in the district Paul Broun represented—the most liberal district in GA, mind you—so, in short, yes.

Boopy doopy doop boop, sex!

"Pizza Pizza, in my tummy me so hungie me so hungie!"

You know what they say. Fives have lives, fours have chores, threes have fleas, twos have blues, and ones don't get a rhyme because they're garbage.