Werewolf Jones

They need to to raise funds to fix the gas leak.

Mein Gott!

I've been waiting years for My Right Foot.

Technically it's inframation, so his streak continues.

As a frail, Elizabethan orphan I'm a shoo in!

I learned that from Alex Jones on Infrawars.

🎶They did the graveyard fuck!🎶

🎶The monsters were sucking and fucking!🎶

{Trump joke}

I'd like to class it up a bit by slowing it down, turning it black and white, and setting it to a children's choir rendition of "Hurt".

Trash Rat under the streets, Trash capybara under the sheets.

In pog form!

Is that the one where Abed learns the meaning of Christmas through getting season one of Lost on dvd?

That's a blatant case of false advertising.

Is Threes the prequel to Tetris?

"That kettle sure is black"—Vantablack Pot

Thank you for the constructive criticism. You've really given me a lot to think about here, a lot to meditate on. I've felt sort of stagnant in my commenting progress, and this is just the sort of tough-love wake-up call I needed to really light a fire under me and realize I'm dealing with the only legacy I'm going to…

Don't go quoting Shakespear at me; have you heard what that guy said about Trump? Unconscionable.

Logic doesn't make sense anymore. Get with the postmodern times, gramps.

Yeah, I was trying (way, way too hard) to find a word for "inebriated" that sort-of rhymed with "boogaloo". A fools task.