Werewolf Jones

He's just going method for The Spectacular Now 2: Vehicular Mamado.

He was always the Baba black sheep of the cabinet.

Don't let the door hit you on the Baba-backside on the way out, Spicy!

Infernal fruit? Like pomegranate?

[edit] Oops, wrong James.

Comment Oh, Molly Brown dabs? Sweet. Let's call her Molly Green, maybe (disambiguation)? 04:21, 22 October 2011 (UTC)

"Alas, poor Thom York! I knew him, caduceus, a fellow of not the most insightful literary criticism."

Pictured: Jones being bombarded with the Government's secret vitamin D laser—better scurry back to the dark corners, you brave blattodean truth seeker.

Wrong! What happened is Allen Moore was walking down the street when he saw Forest Gump run by. Gump—a big fan of Miracleman—did a double take, tripped, and landed nose-first in a mud puddle. Allen had on an extra shirt and, being a nice shaman (and feeling somewhat responsible), took off the shirt (a bright, canary

Theodicy question: If Alanis Morissette does exist, why does she allow Krampus to roam free? And why does she let Smith continue making films?

Her Attraction to flesh is Fatal.

Yeah, I live about a mile from them, and I think they have the best pizza and ice-cream in the city. Great one stop shopping.

Some of my best friends are were—you know what? Never mind.

Cacao comes from cloacas.

Disqus will slow and disrupt service too, but no one will notice any difference.

I'll save so much money on not getting my son a prostitute! But then again, Trixie has to eat too. I should see what she's up to.

It'll air right before the (oddly specific) ambulatory cooking show Walking the Wok.

So, this show explains sex to your children so you don't have to? That's a pretty good idea.

One Day at Horrorland or GTFO.

R.L. Stine already wrote Let's Get Invisible!, thank you very much.