Werewolf Jones

Just like the Earth, the Sun is flat. Luckily one of its flat sides is always facing us, parallel, so landing on it shouldn't be too tricky.

Resident Evil: Redundant Drivel

I'm sorry, rather than sexy, this time the sax will be yakety. Budgetary constraints, you see.

I got a Beta Ray Bill notification for this?

“The North Cafeteria named after Admiral William North is located in the western portion of East Hall, gateway to the western half of North Hall, which is named not after William Hall, but for its position above the South Wall. It is the most contested and confusing battle field on Greendale’s campus, next to the

[Kicks sand in Middleditch's face, turns to Middleditch's girlfriend]
"Why don't you ditch the middleman and climb the ladder to the top, babe?"
[Walks off arm-in-arm with Middleditch's girlfriend]

Would not Carrot Top be a more suitable replacement?

The Free Republic of GWAR has always been at war with the Sovereign State of Slipknot.

If you're on a thousand TP Facebook groups like I am, then you probably already saw this, but notice the similarity between the names Wally Brando and Waldo (the Myna bird from the first season). It fits a rhyming/echoing name theme seen throughout the series (BOB/Bobby, etc.).

This definitely strikes me as more Frost than Lynch.

In related news, the isle of Lesbos to exclusively screen Wonder Woman. Hiyo!

Principal Skinner: Bart, your word is imply.

I'd be amazed if an 11 year old boy didn't think a picture of his decapitated dad was the coolest thing ever.

Yas queen!

My roommate made a good point earlier that we need to start referring to these (alarmingly increasingly common) incidents as the less euphemistic "assaults".

Only three cavities, Bart, your best checkup ever! I'm going to make you my specialty, butterscotch chicken.

You have selected regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press one.

You're not wrong. I love Kevin Alison and his Risk! podcast, and I hope he keeps it funded, but he's actually shilling a goddamn psychic hotline now.

It comes wrapped in old Trump U diplomas.

…You may be listening to the wrong podcasts.