Werewolf Jones

Dogtooth is amazing. It was probably the only film I immediately rewatched after finishing the first viewing. Then I forced my friend to watch it with me the next day. Tsoni was great in it.

Caring about Barb is soooo 2016.

"[T]he only time a band can get away with a self-titled album is when it’s a debut or if the band is Weezer." Led Zeppelin II-IV would like a word with you, Barsanti.

Hey! Their work as mediums has brought closure to many relatives of the Long Island deceased.

I had to have an emergency horoectemy last week. You don't want to know.

"Little Dragon"? "Casting is currently underway"? Lockheed gathers headshots, flies off to Hollywood.

The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as his liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty. Plainly, the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of liberty.

No, no, no the Beats get lost on Desolation Peak.

[Struggles to stifle tears]
We'll always have Chapie. At least…we'll always…have…Chapie.

Wild at Heart. And, although I didn't love the movie, she was riveting in Inland Empire.

But it's not that cut and dry. The episodes where we know who there killer is, up to the episode of his death are absolutely terrific. And there are some great bits here and there throughout. It's much easier watching the whole thing once, then remembering which individual scenes you can fast forward through on the

Maybe, maybe not. She's already been portrayed by two actors (Moira Kelly in FWWM), so them casting a third wouldn't be out of line, especially as more years have passed then the age she played in the series.

If it's Twin Peaks filtered through Inland Empire, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

…I'll drive.

Yeah, it's hard to say. Lynch might be the last fan-servicing creator I know of, but Frost seems like a moderating force (usually in a good way).

I AM SO FUCKING PSYCHED! Um, owls, pie, etc.

"Dick Laurent is dead."

[Sifts through Ryan's innards]
Ah, shucks, it's all just protein powder and Ayn Rand paperbacks. This won't help anyone.

If he'd just brought along his bluetooth connected Smalt shaker, he could have called for help.

Everybody's Bjorking for the weekend
Everybody wants a little romance