Werewolf Jones

Mein Gott, I hate Claremontian patois pedants.

Have you not heard of the Juggalo Family? Please, if you'll allow me just a few minutes of your time, I have some literature and MP3s, and you'll know you need never be lonely again.

I don't like what this implies for the future of Dennis as a mainstay in Always Sunny.

Gil Faizon in Oh, Hello-Boy.

Ok AVC, you sold me on eating insects, but this is too much. I don't want to be in your stupid frat anyway. I still have my dignity!
[Pulls shot glass out of rectum, walks away, chin held high.]

"Honey, please pass the smepper."
"What? I can't hear you over the music from the smetchup bottle."

In related news, Tom Hanks was seen this past weekend working a Gutenberg movable type in some small town.

The President Always Rings Twice

"Oh, look she's reflecting urine off her armor! Ewww! Gross!"
—A.V. Club writers

True, but let us not forget the First Rule of Commenting: always go for the more obvious, less nuanced joke. Then watch as the sweet, sweet up-votes roll in. Oh yeah.

Look at this as one of those rare opportunities to let your depraved, disgusting imagine run wild!

I can't help but feel if Andrew Jackson were alive, he'd have a thriving designer women's brand.

Oprah is attached to produce the film version of Women Who Work.

These are legitimately two of my favorite things.

I can't speak for the other bands, but looking depressed is sort of Elliot Smith's thing.

That's some weird photo cropping up there. I thought it was the butt at first.
Now, as usually happens, I await them changing it, making this comment seem out of place.
ETA: And there we go.

They should go the Plane 9 From Outer Space route, and hire someone with a similar forehead and just cover the bottom half of her face. Problem solved.

"What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Batman." —Actual dialogue written by Frank Miller

U Talkin' R2 to Me?

Before we start the show, let's hear an important message on the dangers of socialized medicine from actor and heartthrob Ronny Reagan!