Werewolf Jones

Yup. AIDS complications, I believe.

Whither goeth Annie?

Sadly, your overdeveloped torso and inadequately rendered tiny feet make you incapable of bipedal movement, thereby making your pockets useless.

Whenever Lockjaw's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Lockjaw"?

The fingers you have used to play are too fat. To obtain a special playing wand, please mash the keyboard with your palm now.

And you can't prove he doesn't have a "Die Bart Die" chest tattoo.

He looks like he should be trying to kill Bart Simpson.

Ellis Island Doctor: Mr…Interrobang? You can't hide your CancerAIDS from me. I'm sorry, we'll have to send you back.

Suck it Weinstein! You too, MPAA!

Oh, I know this one!

The AV Club

Classic Conan.

But wasn't Conan one of the weirdo monsters at the Catina?

My marriage was a fiction invented for my limp joke, so there's that.

So…use the waffle iron at the Super 8? Got it.

But what news of her Myspace account?

Did you let him? No one would blame you if you didn't.

"This Instagram is dildos."
—Skwisgaar Skwigelf

The elderly have truly mastered the mall when they parkour their way from the foodcourt to the JC Penny.

I can't afford an orchestra. The wife will have to settle for a Wesley Willis cover musician I know.