Werewolf Jones

His insistence on trusting only what he can discern with his own senses would suggest something more along the lines of Humean empiricism. I'm pretty sure that's what he's going for.

Look, I don't need to read extensively because I reach the right decisions with very little knowledge.

I didn't even watch the video, but I knew he had a Boston accent.

All human endeavors are gross.

Didn't Josie's soul get trapped in one of these?

"'NEH'? More like 'meh.' Cut it."

Yeah Hugh, Wolferine. You nailed it.

Some heroes are born, some are made, and some have heroism thrust upon them

No, it's a Fat Jew bit, I think.

I always go in the airplane bathroom. Even if I don't have to go, I always go in there. It's nice. It's like your own apartment on the plane. Isn't it? Go in there lock the door. The lights come on after a couple of seconds. It's like a little surprise party.

True that.

I agree. She's a little too party-line for my liking, but she's very talented at explicating seemingly disparate information into a rational narrative.

And his love interest will be Sixpack.

What's, uh…what's going on in that picture?

I'm pretty sure it was already a post on this site, too.

He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

You can. There's a button on the top and bottom of each article. If you're not seeing it (as I wasn't) it has something to do with your ad blocker settings.

Batman was a scientist.

I think he was just an insanely prolific perfectionist; he was constantly writing and recording, but he wasn't precious with his work: if it didn't meet his high standards, he shelved it. Luckily he didn't outright destroy it, so we get access to it after he's no longer around to keep under lock and key.