Werewolf Jones

Actually, all movie monsters are played by Lon Chaney Jr., thank you very much.

How much for a Newswire comment section?

That's a worthy enough reason. I once made a long winded comment on a Girls review just so I use my neologism "Marnsplaining."

More Artsy, less Geeky.

He used to look more like you'd expect him to.

Seriously. Assuming they have stopped coverage, they could have at least finished out the season.

Following this precedent, I'll be calling it That Dive Bar on South Street Disease.

Grand Mal is such a gift of a collection.

That song is rad. I had it set as my Myspace music 1000 years ago.

Everything Means Nothing to Me is the most beautiful and ethereal song ever recorded. It just picks you up and carries you away.

As your editor in chief, I really must insist.

Stop jizzing all over journalism!

Nah, that's the sanitized, Hollywood, La La Land version of Philly.

Also, in Philly we don't follow the ethos of “It’s an embarrassing thing to get caught stealing.”

If you think about it, the Jewish Braveheart was really Annie Hall. Wait, that doesn't sound right…

You mean the Gross Inflatable Pig Administration.

You're much more thoughtful and involved as a father than my dad was, Mr. Coogin, and for that I salute you.

[Can't answer, dead]

Are you so committed to your pretend child delusions that you'd fork over more cash for her entertainment? Actually, the better question is, have you been going exclusively to children's movies for your fake daughter's entertainment? Actually, there are are quite a few questions, really.

[Googles "what" one more time, gets shot]