Werewolf Jones

You're not wrong.

Are you havin' a laugh?

Don't tell Amy Goodman that.

I haven't seen this yet, but if Laura is carrying around comics without the slip cover and cardboard backing, I may have to boycott.

To get Trump to answer questions, the press will soon open with "[O]ur adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved"…

This sarcasm detector is reading off the chats!

If I don't make it to the state liqure store before close, I usually grab a six of Double Dog IPA. At 11.5%, it gets the job done.

"My kid could paint that."
—W. Smith

They're great for friendless alcoholics…I'm told.

Lousy Smarch weather.

Yeah, but in the years since our attention spans have dropped precipitously.

It's three extra minutes of Logan hugging Pippin, Merry and Sam, before he crosses the sea west, to the Undying Lands.

Ay, ay, ay! No es bueno!

And Fargo.

Also, even if you have a healing factor, it's not a good idea to take on Magneto if your bones are metal.

Surely Hüsker Dü will sign up.

It's my favorite documentary about him. You really feel like he's sitting on the couch next to you, shooting the shit, handing you some photos as he reconnoiters.
The footage is less artwork and more loosely associated images, mostly of locales (shots of the house he lived in, or a street he performed on, as he's

Watching The Comedy will validate your feelings.

"A raw-looking, smooshed-together fusion of male and female genitalia"
—The AVClub

"Alright, bub, I'm gonna jump outta this plane and land on my face!"
"Um, Mr Day-Lewis, maybe you should ease up on it this time."
"Rawwwr, the name's Logan!"