Werewolf Jones

Fuck normal.

"What was it Noam Chomsky said about eating pussy?"

This stunt is 😆S.

Well, it's gonna be awhile; first I have to have my 'cowa' 'bnga' ink removed via laser.

They're even trying to make the spawn of Kevin Smith a thing.

I'm thinking of getting 'bang' 'rang' knuckle tattoos. Too esoteric?

I doubt it'll be cut and dry. There'll probably be character resolutions, but let the mystery, more or less, be. Ugh, sorry.

Careful, or it'll rip your arm off.

I got an Annie's Boobs notification for this!

I'm not overly familiar with the franchise, but isn't there a canonical reason for the changed forehead ridges over time? Some sort of mutation or effect of a disease?

He's like the patron saint of anger!

But it's just a test to suss out the losers who'll be desperate enough to comment on a pop culture website late Saturday night, don't you see!

Well, have you ever seen Pynchon and Tingle and Salinger in the same place at the same time? Think about that.

You seem to have omitted an Easy D.

Like he did to those women on that rainy day.

Raising Montana.

I really wish Bon Dylan would write Chronicle vol. 2.

No Country for Scarred Men.

Remember several years back when HBO hosted a sort of comedy round table with Gervais, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld and Louis C.K.? Nowadays I doubt they'd let Ricky so much as serve coffee at such a meeting.

KickPuncher's on the job.