Werewolf Jones

She's the Polar opposit of a qualified Secretary of Education.

Fact: none of the musicians involved in this project have ever voted, nor have any of the people who purchase their output.

***googles "what is an ascot?" to try to find a way to use it in a joke***

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I'm embarrassed to admit I've never heard of him, especially when I read what an incredible badass he was. That Pynchon thing alone is a cozy enough laurel to have rested a reputation on.

Oh Occam, you and your razor.

Anyone ever wonder about the commentors who disappear? People like Bob Hope is God and Xanderpus were very prolific, then they just stopped. (I gather Xander was having a difficult time after the election, so that may be a bad example.) Some change their names and avatars, others vanish.

Unexploded ordnance, while technically not ladmines, function in extremely similar ways:
"Landmines From 1964 to 1973 more than 580,000 bombing missions were launched over Laos by the U.S. Air Force, in a war that most of the Western world didn’t know about. As a result, more than two million tons of ordnance fell on


He'd probably enjoy seeing an (in his mind) emasculated Paul Ryan.

I'm strangely proud to live in a state distinguished for googling "Donald Trump Pee Pee Party."

Maybe that UFO in season two was Shi'ar or Skrull.

This one time, at band camp, I raised 100k for the defense of civil liberties. All while having a flute in my woo-ha.

The section in that Harmontown documentary where Sarah Silverman heaps praise on Dan as a genius writer on her erstwhile show, who she nonetheless had to fire, is pretty enlightening.

You and me both! High five!…wait, let's not.

Watching his performance in this, then watching Her, you really see a tremendous, seemingly effortless range.

No, I'm so out of the music loop. I haven't heard anything of Toby since her self titled album. Or Madeline since Slow Bang.

I was wondering if any Athenians would take the bait. How's it going, man?

But she makes the best banana splits!