Werewolf Jones

He died as he lived: exiting, pursued by a bear.

No one told me a self could be esteemed. This opens whole vistas of frightening new possibilities.

I love me some Nana! Now pull Carrie Nations out of retirement and 2017 could make up for last year.


I worked at a hotel for years, setting up a very lackluster breakfast bar. I tried the various food items in every conceivable iteration, and I've got to say: cream cheese is a surprisingly versatile and tasty staple.

"A Talking Cat!?!"

"Play 'I'm So Bored With The USA'!"

Let's make this the the go-to sentiment of 2017.

I wish they had foreseen this comment and addressed it in the write up.

Now he has time to follow his true calling: Rounding Up Tail and Making Them Wail.

I've never heard him use this catchphrase before.

I like the movie so much, I upvoted a comment that used the "word" amazeballs.

He'd make a great Uatu the Watcher.

That person who's always standing and walking?

I can't wait to learn if the Save The Pine Weasel initiative was a success!


Seriously. I saw that header, started reading the review's critiques of the actor's age, and thought the problem was he didn't modulate his voice higher and the animators rendered him too adult looking. It took a moment to realize the humans are live action.

I usually find it very hard to articulate exactly why a movie is bad, so it's very impressive to read IV's specificity and attention to detail in these negative reviews. It is, sincerely, an enviable talent.

Reading this thread hours after the Trump supporter's comments were deleted, it becomes a fun game of Troll Mad Lib.

Just get a friend and a Super Soaker. Simple. Why does everyone make everything so difficult?