Werewolf Jones

My friend got it years ago on the old PBay. I'm not sure if that's still a thing, and I would never condone illegal activity.

(Learn to dim, Learn to dim, Learn to dim)

I thought the cover was him grabbing her by the head with a catchers mit on his hand.

Ooookay. For some reason I was thinking that wasn't a thing any more, and kids were catching downloads by waving their smart watches around, or something. Well, time to dust off an old junk laptop. Thanks for the discrete tip, Belli.

…Where can one find that? I'm too stupid to know where to pirate the deleted scenes online, and I'm too miserly to buy the box set.

I think I'm in the majority in assuming it would be a Little Nicky origin story. My disappointment was monumental, but, given time to heal, and rewatching it more recently, it's a superlative movie.

Inflation has made that reasonable.

If any E.S. fan is unfamiliar with it, there's an easily found 6 (7?) disc compilation of unreleased and otherwise hard to find material online called Grand Mal. If anything, it's perhaps a little too exhaustive.

I recently learned the whole pox blankets thing is incorrect, given when germ theory began to gain traction. Which is not to excuse the various other European inflicted atrocities.

They really are terrific. I bought them a few months back and can't think of anything to nitpick. And, after a lot of research, I realized even the 4.7 star review average is inaccurate, as many of the negative reviews are based on an older, subpar set.

It's a miny-victrola and it allows me to listen to the only decent music committed to vinyl.

As will each subsequent year.
Or at least trend steadily downward on a line graph.

That crossed my mind. I've made that mistake: when Clerks 2 was new to rent on DVD I moronically rented it for us. You can't awkwardly-cough/check-your-phone your way through a scene of a guy fucking a donkey. I really should have known better.

Well, I'll quote your opinion, but I'm not sure you'll have the same clout with her as Ellen has (that's the only reason we saw The Revanant).

I see maybe one theatrical release a year, and I would love for it to be this, but it'll be over Christmas weekend with my mother, and there's no way she'll sit through the subtitles (three minute subtitled scenes on TV are too much for her). She's never seen a Star Wars film, either, so it looks like we'll be seeing

'Twas a pun.

…so, in summation, cancer represents Groot.

Now I feel bad. This was an excellent write up.

It's spelt Diff'rent Strokes, you plebeians!

Cake Boss!