Werewolf Jones

Ah, so that explains Ben Mendelsohn. Wait…

Jake's aging in dog time, and so are his kids…but even more so because of their mutant/magic powers? I don't know.

I'd agree. Also there's all the inconsistencies in the book—facts given that outright contradict what we've seen on the show—so there's an idea floating around that this may be an intentionally false or misleading dossier, sort of an unreliable narrator. Even if this is Frost's version of TP, Lynch took no part in it

Thanks! I've been hearing a lot of praise for her other work. Good to know she's no one hit wonder.

I'd say it's safe to at least google the raw data gleaned from the book, before viewing the new season, i.e. what it reveals of the lives of the characters over the last 25 years. There's also some neat puzzle-box stuff you can look up. In fact, given the manner in which it's presented—more a fictitious dossier than

No, but Blevins is hard at work on a SS Soundtrack of Our Lives.

I just finished Fun Home: A Family Tragicomedy, which was phenomenal.
Trying to finish The Secret History of Twin Peaks, which…has its moments, but distressingly insists upon adding aliens to the mix.
Also began Infinity Gauntlet, and it's really fun so far.

I've got it! Right under a bust of Dark Phoenix.

You could argue the lack of stakes+pure spectacle is what makes this the most accurately Comic Book fight scene in any movie.

This review sounds like a goddamn Decker movie. Wow.

So…um…it's okay to dress like that at a funeral?

I disagree. When he turns to Scarred-Up-Blonde-Face and essentially says "remember, I fuck your wife whenever I want", he's being a terrible leader and begging those with closest access to him to foment a coup.

I don't get why everyone hates on Gambit. He's still my favorite X-Man. Maybe those nostalgia-goggles are too tightly fixed, but I think he's a great character.

Condolences. Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I could see some of those. Not Russell/Swayze, though.

My apologies to Dev Patel for mistaking him for Shia Labeouf in that header image. That sort of confusion gets people punched.

Let's throw a key party!

What with the lack of magic, they should call it "quidd-ish".

This is what happens when you meet a muppet in the Alps!

At last, my scheme of being unfuckable and unlovable pays off!